[SOLVED] Anyone else having stability issues with 5600X and ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS(WI_FI)?

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Dec 21, 2020
I recently bought a 5600X and an ASUS TUF B550M-PLUS(WI_FI) but kept the NVME M.2 SSD and RAM from my last build (which was only a few months ago). Having built the new rig last weekend it's been randomly resetting, most notably when on Netflix.

So the first step in trouble shooting I tried was ensuring that the BIOS was up to date (which it is - version 1004), although I must point out this mobo has only supported the 5000 series since August (red flag?). There is a beta version that was released a few days ago but am reluctant to try it right now as it's beta. I have also tried the following:

  • Updated B550M chipset drivers. This actually helped to resolve a few PCI driver issues that were visible in device manager.
  • Downloaded DDU and completely un-installed then re-installedNVIDIA graphics drivers for my GTX 1060.
  • Turned off Windows' "Fast Start-Up" as I've heard this has been causing BSODs for a few people.
  • Restored BIOS settings to default (I initially manually configured my RAM to 1.35V and 3200 MHz as this is what it's designed for and I had this working perfectly fine in my last build).
  • Double checked that my RAM is from a qualified vendor which I confirmed using the product support page for my mobo.
  • Downloaded HWMonitor and CPU-Z to check CPU stats (temperatures seem fine) and cross-reference my RAM frequency with task manager (which it matches).
  • Run Windows Memory Diagnostics tool - which returned no issues.
I should point out that by decreasing the RAM frequency to it's SPD value (2133MHz), the restarts do seem to be more infrequent which indicates there might be something of a timing issue. With everything back to default though and the problem still persisting, I'm unsure what to try next. Windows' Event viewer reports the following after each shutdown:

Critical Error -41-Kernel-Power "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."

Wtih the keywords (70368744177664),(2). I'm yet to see the classic BSOD (is this still a thing?) and my PSU is a Corsair TX550M. I can also work for hours using Eclipse with no issue, it really does only seem to happen when watching Netflix. Gaming doesn't seem to trigger it either although I only game for maybe an hour or two at a time, every couple of days.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.
Hi guys, I solved the iussue (truly a face palm moment). I had mistakenly read the latest BIOS version from the ASUS website as 1004 but it's actually 1401. The version I had installed on my mobo (fresh out the box) was 1004 and is from way back in August before they added 5000 series support ... God knows why they used such a similar version number for a BIOS that wasn't that long ago but there you go. I only realised the problem when I found a post from someone else with the same issue as me and I finally saw that the version numbers didn't line up! Anyway, my PC is working fine now, thanks for the help anyway!
I would try updating the BIOS to version 1601 (which has AGESA
The last BIOS (1401) almost certainly uses AGESA which quite a few users has posted causes random reboots like those you are experiencing.

I personally have an Asus ROG Strix X470-F with BIOS 5809 (AGESA and I experienced a few random reboots with that same Kernel Power Error but after I reset my BIOS to Optimized defaults and then only enabled the DOCP profile for my 3600 RAM it has been fine for a few days now.
I am hoping that it doesn't happen again BUT when a BIOS for my MB gets released with AGESA, I will definitely be updating the BIOS.

I did see this posted as a potential fix:
check your soc, ccd and iod voltages. make sure there in spec soc 1.1v, ccd .900v to .950v, iod .900v. This made my system stable
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Hi guys, I solved the iussue (truly a face palm moment). I had mistakenly read the latest BIOS version from the ASUS website as 1004 but it's actually 1401. The version I had installed on my mobo (fresh out the box) was 1004 and is from way back in August before they added 5000 series support ... God knows why they used such a similar version number for a BIOS that wasn't that long ago but there you go. I only realised the problem when I found a post from someone else with the same issue as me and I finally saw that the version numbers didn't line up! Anyway, my PC is working fine now, thanks for the help anyway!
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