As a consumer in today's economy, if I am offered product choice A and B, and they are both of the exact same build and quality, just that product A is made in China and sells for $200 and product B is made in the USA and sells for $275, which product am I going to choose?
Given that choice, I could make the altruistic decision and buy American since I know the money spent to manufacture the product went to a fellow American. But, with what I know about the average American consumer...they will buy what is cheapest, no matter where it is made.
If we, as consumers, start voting with our wallets and stop buying products made in China, then the manufacturers will have their hand tied with Chinese-made products that won't sell at any price.
If you are concerned about the loss of American jobs, start putting your money where your mouth is and buy American. Cars, clothes, furniture...hell, even computers if you can find any such thing anymore.