[citation][nom]alexthager[/nom]When Apple states it's not about the money, they do somewhat have a point. If I made a successful product, and another company used similar features, I'd be pissed. When they sue Samsung, they're probably pissing them off, which to me, seems like their goal. Samsung doesn't want to be sued, so the lawsuit will drive them to rid of all possible similarities. Personally, that's what I define as innovation. Finding other ways to accomplish similar tasks without infringing on other's ideas. Honestly, 1B isn't that much when you're talking about Apple. Why would they be so persistent about such a frivolous amount in relativity?[/citation]
1 Billion dollars is a lot of money for any company. Everything you said was made even more absurd by your claim that 1 billion dollars is a frivolous amount of money. You also seem poorly educated on all of the things Apple has stolen from others. I mean the real irony in all of this is that the shape of the iPhone was stolen from Sony. And there are court secured email correspondents from designers at Apple stating this. Check out the Verge:
1 Billion dollars is a lot of money for any company. Everything you said was made even more absurd by your claim that 1 billion dollars is a frivolous amount of money. You also seem poorly educated on all of the things Apple has stolen from others. I mean the real irony in all of this is that the shape of the iPhone was stolen from Sony. And there are court secured email correspondents from designers at Apple stating this. Check out the Verge: