Apple Wants Another $707 Million from Samsung

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[citation][nom]alexthager[/nom]When Apple states it's not about the money, they do somewhat have a point. If I made a successful product, and another company used similar features, I'd be pissed. When they sue Samsung, they're probably pissing them off, which to me, seems like their goal. Samsung doesn't want to be sued, so the lawsuit will drive them to rid of all possible similarities. Personally, that's what I define as innovation. Finding other ways to accomplish similar tasks without infringing on other's ideas. Honestly, 1B isn't that much when you're talking about Apple. Why would they be so persistent about such a frivolous amount in relativity?[/citation]

1 Billion dollars is a lot of money for any company. Everything you said was made even more absurd by your claim that 1 billion dollars is a frivolous amount of money. You also seem poorly educated on all of the things Apple has stolen from others. I mean the real irony in all of this is that the shape of the iPhone was stolen from Sony. And there are court secured email correspondents from designers at Apple stating this. Check out the Verge:
[citation][nom]bllue[/nom]This is enough. Here's hoping Apple gets smacked with lawsuits for LTE patents and gets the iPhone5 banned in US and Europe.[/citation]Unfortunately I read on Tom's that trial is not scheduled to start until Q1 2014, which means there will be the iPhone 5S out that is .1mm thinner and the iphone 5 will be completely irrelevant.
[citation][nom]bllue[/nom]This is enough. Here's hoping Apple gets smacked with lawsuits for LTE patents and gets the iPhone5 banned in US and Europe.[/citation]

Yes, of course, Samsung steals, but Apple should get banned from LTE products as a result. Are you one of those people who blames the victim in a rape, saying she asked for it, and it was a legitimate rape? Because your thoughts are basically on par with those statements as well.
[citation][nom]filmman03[/nom]and attempting to ban a device? seriously? when the fuck did the banning of devices start? only a few years ago, right? fucking stupid. [/citation]

You must be new to the phrase "trade injunction". Banning of infringing trade marks, copy rights, and patents has been going on since 1710. Look up "history of copyright law".

It all comes back to theft and what you think the consequences should be. Should thieves simply be allowed to get away with things? In some countries, thieves have hands cut off. In other countries they are forced to pay up or return the stolen property.

Samsung DID steal from Apple, and the stolen technology is in a majority of Samsung smartphones and tablets you can buy right now. Should Samsung be allowed to profit from its theft and not compensate Apple? If Samsung makes $10 billion in profit using Apple technology, should it only have to pay $1 billion? What's a fair amount?

I'll leave these questions in the capable hands of this forum.
I think these court procedings need to be held in a mutual country that favours neither Korean business practices nor US practices.
[citation][nom]deicided[/nom]I think these court procedings need to be held in a mutual country that favours neither Korean business practices nor US practices.[/citation]
EU would rather fine both companies for 1 billion. Robin Hood eh?
[citation][nom]JeanLuc[/nom]And the loser is............the consumer.I can understand why Apple are going after Samsung so hard, half of it's profits come from the iphone alone so it's understandable that the directors feel threatened and insecure by Samsung's success.What really gets me thought is the seeming lack of honesty and integrity in the court system in both America and Korea (I live in neither country). I get the feeling that a major contributing factor to Apple's successful court win was the fact that their an America firm fighting foreign opposition and vice versa for Samsung's victory in the Korean court.[/citation]

I don't really think it was unfair in Korea, they found infringement on both sides, it was fairly balanced between the two of them. In the US it was very one sided.
[citation][nom]filmman03[/nom]haha that's a good point; i didn't even think about a double click. what i've also noticed, which i think is strange, is that apple is ONLY suing companies for mobile devices. maybe i just haven't found the articles of apple suing over something w/ their laptops or desktops or even cinema displays but i don't think i've ever read them suing with that stuff... its just strange that it is only Mobile Devices. yes i get the market is all about mobile stuff these days; but b4 touch screen mobile devices were widely used, apple seemed quite. but now that they are being challenged in a new market with new technology they can't keep up so they sue. rofl.[/citation]

Apple really can't go after anyone for Desktops/Laptops because the PC industry invented 99% of that hardware. And when it comes to software, the basis for Apple's OS is FreeBSD which is a semi-free / open source OS. So if they get into a fight, they wont have legs to stand on because they don't own that part of the system.
[citation][nom]technoholic[/nom]All of you complain and critisize Apple's attitude in these law suits yet many of you still purchase that iCrap. That phone sold 2 million units at the first freaking day![/citation]

You're kidding right? This is Tom's Hardware, not Cnet. Apple buyers are in the VAST minority on this site's comment boards.

OT, frankly I'm disgusted that Apple managed to win that court case here in the States. If ever there was a biased jury, that was it. Let me explain why. Court cases in this country drag on for months and even years. Lawyers, jurors, and judges meet for short sessions then split up for months and repeat. The fact that Apple's case ended so quickly leads me to believe that something untoward went on in that court room.

It is so abnormal that I would not be surprised if later we found out that Apple influenced the jury. One billion dollars is a lot of money, not to mention the $707 Million they're asking for now with precedence.

More and more I'm provided with reasons to hate Apple.
[citation][nom]gfair[/nom]You must be new to the phrase "trade injunction". Banning of infringing trade marks, copy rights, and patents has been going on since 1710. Look up "history of copyright law".It all comes back to theft and what you think the consequences should be. Should thieves simply be allowed to get away with things? In some countries, thieves have hands cut off. In other countries they are forced to pay up or return the stolen property.Samsung DID steal from Apple, and the stolen technology is in a majority of Samsung smartphones and tablets you can buy right now. Should Samsung be allowed to profit from its theft and not compensate Apple? If Samsung makes $10 billion in profit using Apple technology, should it only have to pay $1 billion? What's a fair amount?I'll leave these questions in the capable hands of this forum.[/citation]

I thumbed up your post for the question.

Assuming (*assuming*) Samsung did steal the design (and technologies) from Apple. Just assume that.

Samsung stole say A, B and C from Apple. Then it added D, E, F, ... , Y and Z together with A, B, C in a bag. Samsung sold the bag at $26. Apple intended to sell A, B and C at $2 each. Getting $6 back from Samsung + some $2 - $4 for damage is a fair deal.

However, if Apple asked $26, it has become stealing things from the thief.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Tim Cook:- So our new maps feature is borked straight out of the box?Map Techy:- Yep, totally borked.Tim Cook:- Is it a technical issue?Map Techy:- No, we just need some additional resources and we are good.Tim Cook:- How much are we talking about?Map Techy:- Around $700 million, give or take.Tim Cook:- That's a lot of cheddar, we can afford it but I hate spending money.Apple Lawyer:- I have a great idea, let's jam a $700 million dildo up Samsung.Tim Cook:- Great idea, let's do it for shits 'n' giggles/true story[/citation]

Heard it was 600 mil to fix the map feature and 100 mil to the judge/jury for serving "justice"...
[citation][nom]keither5150[/nom]wiping Samsung off the planet would leave you with a phone without memory, display, and processor. Apple does make the aluminum body. You would have that at least.[/citation]

Actually apple don't even make those.. Foxconn does.
[citation][nom]acadia11[/nom]Both ideas not created by Apple but somehow they got the patent award for them.h[/citation]
This is the problem with the patent system. Samsung has started going after the patents themselves, your not supposed to be able to patent a pre-existing idea, wether its patented or not, if its on the free market, then its free game, not free to be patented for the sole purpose of lawsuits.

Also, apparently during the jury proceedings, one of the jury members started adding evidence into the case itself based on his past dealings with patent lawsuits.

If its not brought up during the trail, it can't be used as evidence. The verdict was influenced by one jury member who shouldn't have been there in the first place. Japan and Germany got the trail right.

Wonder what stipulation in Apples contract doesn't allow Samsung to just stop supplying the cpu. Would be quite funny, "here, sell the Iphone 5 whout a cpu".

In the mean time, apple has not problems with blatently copying a patented product themselves.


There is also one very interesting movie that seems to have a lot of "iphone" features, well before apple patented any of it. Check out the movie Minority Report (2002) as well as many other movies that have "future tech". Prior art anyone?
[citation][nom]chibiwings[/nom]how the hell do they win? maybe i can patent breathing and sue the ret of the world?[/citation]
I already own that patent.[citation][nom]halcyon[/nom]Enough is enough. Apple, yes you make a nice product but leave Samsung alone...enough is enough.[/citation]
Awwww, what a cute "criticism"....
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