Apple Working on Fix for Snow Leopard Data Loss

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Dec 15, 2005
19,320 the Guest account to Apple ~ to the Guest account in Windows? Is it disabled by default like in Windows?

If so, there are probably only about 200 people on the planet that actually ever use the thing. It would (or should) be as rare as the Apple rep. says.


May 29, 2008
The problem is said to affect users who sign into their computers using guest accounts that were enabled before they upgraded to Apple's latest version of its Mac OS X operating system, Snow Leopard. RedOrbit reports that the bug has Snow Leopard recognizing the main account as a guest account, meaning that the profile is deleted when users log out.
Wait, so simply using a Guest account means your main account could get wiped out? That is definitely a major bug. I assume not too many people activate guest accounts, but the fact that activating them causing other, full accounts to be wiped out is a crazy problem.

Fortunately for anyone who lost data, your computer is still virus-proof*, it was just Apple who deleted your files.

*virus-proof claim based on Apple advertising. We all know it's B.S.


Sep 29, 2009
Lol, don't worry guys, it's one of Apple's new "features" that wipes your hard drive every time you log on to keep it running smoothly...lame


Oct 13, 2009
This happened to me not too long ago on my 13 inch Macbook Pro. I took the time to call Apple and report the problem, and while going in circles between their customer service department, and technician's department they did very little to assist me. I was left in the dark about the issue and customer service was skeptical about my problem, since it was not a known problem. Usually, I am pleased with Apples assistance and their compensation when their software (Snow Leopard Upgrade) decides to wipe my home folder, but this time, they make me think twice in spending my money with them.


May 11, 2008
This is weird. If you had a guest account activated (default in OS X is off) and then did a upgrade to Snow Leopard it causes this issue. The upgrade disks are creating this issue. If you do a full clean install this issue is not there.
Tiger was their best release and I used it for years on a G4 Powerbook. Apple always seems to have several bugs on their new releases and I admitt this one is a biggy. The MS fanboys are sure loving this and this site is full of them.
I have moved on to Ubuntu now but I still love OS X. Now you MS fanboys flame me, you know who you are, those who have only seen or used OS X at their Best Buy store, moved the mouse curser maybe and went, "Yuk I don't like mommy, where is my gaming machine?"


Aug 21, 2008
[citation][nom]Regulas[/nom]This is weird. If you had a guest account activated (default in OS X is off) and then did a upgrade to Snow Leopard it causes this issue. The upgrade disks are creating this issue. If you do a full clean install this issue is not there. Tiger was their best release and I used it for years on a G4 Powerbook. Apple always seems to have several bugs on their new releases and I admitt this one is a biggy. The MS fanboys are sure loving this and this site is full of them.I have moved on to Ubuntu now but I still love OS X. Now you MS fanboys flame me, you know who you are, those who have only seen or used OS X at their Best Buy store, moved the mouse curser maybe and went, "Yuk I don't like mommy, where is my gaming machine?"[/citation]
There's a difference between those that flame apple and those that are MS fanboys. While I would definitely consider myself a hater of all things apple, I don't necessarily advocate anything MS. I, like you made the switch to linux awhile back, and am quite happy there. Admittedly, given the choice I'd probably go with windows simply to ease the burden on my 401k and frankly, I think both OSX and windows are mediocre products.

Moral of the story, flaming the apple fanboys (which, admittedly is a rather entertaining past-time), does not make one a MS fanboy.

Notice, I'm not flaming you because you don't strike me as an apple fanboy. I simply want to make a needed clarification.


Apr 17, 2009
I seem to recall a couple of weeks ago, an article about Apple OS security (or lack thereof), and the subsequent tirade of all things Microsoft by the Apple fanboys who told us that the things in the article weren't true and that Apple is just so awesome and never had any problem and is so much better than Windows, yata, yata, yata. Well, here we are again, examining yet another problem with the Apple OS, proving once and for all, that Steve Jobs is mortal, and that Apple (to borrow a quote from Top Gun) neither be doing it better nor cleaner than the other guy.

The moral of this story is, we would avoid most of these stupid arguments if the Apple fanatics would stop trying the convince the world of Apple's supremacy, and acknowledge the fact that it's just another operating system.


May 31, 2008
This reminds me of then Tiger had an update to their encryption software that decided it was going to fuck you out of your user account. Apple's solution was to log on as the admin, and move around some directories... but, in my gf's case the account it screwed over was the ONLY admin account.
-Apple: "We're sorry our update completely screwed you over, but if you pay us a few hundred dollars we might be able to recover the data."


Dec 31, 2007
I've never actually used the OSX Guest account so I've never had the problem. But I am surprised Apple actually admitted to a problem.


So your arguement is that one relatively insignificant bug that affects almost no one, is therefore justification that Apple is not a better OS? With logic like that, I can see you going far in life, you might even making it to McDonalds store manager! Bravo!

Would you like me to list some of the Windows 7 bugs? How about Vista bugs? or WinXP bugs? You wanna really compare or do you just wanna make stuff up as you go? Do you even own a Mac? Let alone Snow Leopard OS?

Fanboys are those of you that comment on hardware/software you have NO experience with on a day to day basis. You wanna talk about something, then own it and use for a while, otherwise you're a fanboy (doesn't matter if you talk about OSX vs Windows vs Linux or ATI vs nVidia or Intel vs. AMD) -- if you have no regular experience in the subject your talking about, then you have NO creditibilty and you're indeed a fanboy.

Since I work with several operating systems day in and day out, I can assure you the bugs I've encountered in OSX are far far far less than under WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win Server 2008, and the numerous other flavors of Windows. Oh and Linux has bugs too. All OS's have bugs, the key difference is the quantity and impact of those bugs AND more importantly how they are resolved. Windows (all versions) are by far the buggest OS's I've had to develop on and for.


I agree with you, the fanboy ignorance in this place is THICK.


So you hate Apple - why? Because OSX will not load on hardware other than Apple's hardware/EFI? (at least not without EFI hacking, but a simple EFI dump on existing Mac hardware and then finding compatible hardware/motherboard to load the EFI dump on would solve that problem).

I use and enjoy Linux -- it's very cool to be able to load OS components and reduce one's footprint and have a very efficient OS specific to my needs. But you realize OSX is just a compilation also right?? At it's heart the kernel is unix, only difference being the components selected and the EFI Apple proprietary firmware.

Assume you are aware of this:

Linux is a favorite amoung hackers for the very reason it's easy to build your own OS (something neither Apple nor Microsoft would ever want). Heck, I've made Linux boot CD's to hack into Microsoft account passwords (at least to clear them so there is no password) which will gain me access to ANY Windows PC (including Windows 7). Of course I need physical access, but so much for Windows 7 security.

Every OS has "issues", but the how a company deals with those issues is the key. Windows was built on no security (yes, going back to the DOS days and the 80's now, that's how long I've been doing this), patch to get some security, and some key design decisions were made at Microsoft to NOT do security the right way because it would have broken compatibility -- and at the time compatibility was Windows selling point and reason it was taking marketshare. So rather than do security right, they opt'd for $$$ easy road. Unix/OSX, security has always been at it's core. So what we have today is a band aid OS called WinXP, Vista, Windows 7 that's just getting more and more complex with more and more interactions that just no longer work.

Microsoft need to stop the band aids, and build a proper OS from scratch dumping compatibility. Why they will NOT do this is simple, it would be admitting Apple's approach is actually the better concept. This IS the fundamental decision that Ballmer refuses to accept - he's going down with the ship and if you look at OS marketshare it's a pretty clear picture of Microsoft's slow but steady decline.

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