Apple's Jony Ive Says Company Goal Isn't to Make Money

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Yes, Apple the non-profit doing good for the whole world.

Oh wait ... everything they sell is overpriced to the point of greediness. What a lame thing to say.
[citation][nom]xenol[/nom]I could believe this (sort of) if they were trying to sue everyone so they would be the only product around.[/citation]
Or weren't trying to sue everyone, rather
Aham.. Hence the huge margin on all Apple products? Everyone is in the market to make money, even one laptop per child project. Money drives R&D and expensive cars in most cases :)
On a side note, I wonder how Jony Ive would react if they stopped paying him a salary?

I mean, he just loves "making great products" so he doesn't really need to get paid anymore :)
Right. Like M$ collecting royalty fees because they don't like money.

Fortunately for Apple, they don't need to make great products. They still make money on crappy ones.
and suing everyone for some lame patent infringement claiming "losses" isn't for the money either. EVERY company on the planet is in it for the money. anyone who claims otherwise is blatantly lying. even if a product has no profit margin(eg. kindle fire), it wouldnt be sold if it didnt bring some profit in any way. A company that makes 50% profit off its products(apple) is in it for the money more than anyone. its best apple not try to look humble because smart people are going to laugh at them.
Jony Ive, I dare you to go to China and tell that to the Foxconn workers who spend 12 hours a day, seven days a week making your products.
Then why do they sue everyone under the sun. There so product based and so focused on making a better product they sue the competition.

Tell yea the truth this makes since if your competition cant bring its better quality product out. Then you dont have to worry about your product being upstaged.

I have a wonderful idea company's like apple who bring off the wall lawsuits should be fined 15% of there total gross earnings for the past year if they lose said lawsuit for wasting tax payers money and time.

Make sure it really stings they should have there business shut down until said fine is payed in full. Right now you can abuse the system and sue for anything and have no repercussions for it.
Jony's probably to most innovative industrial designer that we've seen for quite a while. However, I'd swear that his Venn-Diagram bubble doesn't overlap reality.

Maybe he's still suffering the Jobs reality distortion field effects.
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