Question Arctic Accelero Xtreme III compatibility with RTX 2060

Jan 28, 2020
Hello, first time posting here.
I was wondering if the RTX 2060 would fit the Arctic Accelero Xtreme III. It does not name the card on the compatibility list, but I've seen some people use the cooler on other cards. My RTX 2060 gets very hot (85c) and makes a lot of noise, so I would like to install an aftermarket cooler on it.

The cards PCB is the standard 98mm and I'm not sure about the mounting holes, they could be either 48mm or 51mm, will check. Here is a picture of the card:

(Sorry for the bad quality).
Please tell me if the Arctic Accelero Xtreme III (or IV) will fit this card. If it doesn't, could you recommend some other kind of aftermarket GPU cooler (<100$)?
Most RTX2060 will be somewhat unique, only the founder's edition card would be consistent. You didn't list the model, though getting a sense of scale is not that difficult from your image.

~53mm spacing appears to be correct. All the Nvidia cards that are compatible with the two Arctics are roughly 63mm spacing. AMD is 57mm or so. RTX 2060 Founder's Edition is also 63mm.

So, no, not 100% sure that would work

Common recommendation would be the NZXT Kraken G10 or G12 and a 120mm all-in-one Asetek style CPU cooler, but that might not work either.

Any chance or returning the card?
Hey, thanks for your reply.
I will do a double check on the spacing between the mounting holes. I've sent an email to Arctic meanwhile.
I can't return the card because I've had it for about a month or two, unless it's broken.

The Kraken G12 or G10 also do not seem to fit my card, at least they're not on the compatibility list. I also wouldn't know which AIO to install with it.
I find Arctic support very good, they should get back to you quickly on your question. I'm not sure whey their coolers list RTX 2080's, 2070's etc but not 2060 in the list of supported cards. I have the Twin Turbo II on my GTX1060 (and had it on a Radeon HD6950 prior to that) and it's the best thing since sliced bread. I'm planning to use it on every GPU between now and my death. 🙂
Hello, i was wondering the same, i have a evga rtx 2060 ko ultra, it looks like the picture above, nzxt g12 isnt compatible with this gpu, so either nzxt g10 i guess, plus im not fan of water cooling solutions, i really wanted an accelero or twin, would my gpu be compatible?
The evga 2060 is reference pcb. The 2060 KO uses a custom pcb. For compatibility results, you could probably line up Watercooling block results as to what's what.

I think a lot of the issues stemming from around the reference rtx2060 is that it's a nightmare to pull apart and the power input being switched to the end cap from the more standard side mount will affect the outcome.

You can make the hockey puck mount on an asetek pump fit any standard gpu mount hole, all it takes is a drill or rat-tail file, that's not the issue I see with the above picture. I see a VRM chip corner in almost direct contact with the bracket arm (top right), so that's going to be where the G-10/12 incompatibility comes into play.

Personally, I think modifying the shroud (if you have access to a 3d printer would be ideal) and/or changing the fans will result in better thermals.

Many SFF builds ditch the shroud/fans entirely and use 2x120mm Noctua A12x25 / A12x15 direct to the gpu stock heatsink in a hybrid version of the Accelero, resulting in greatly increased cfm/sp over the tiny 60mm stock triples or 90mm dual fan's.
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This is the pcb of the 2060 ko evga 2060 ko

The problem of g12 comes on the stuff close to the ports, im assuming ko isnt compatible either because this layout seems to be the same as in video, however this guy managed to force the g12 but he left the vrm just with heatsinks rtx 2060 kraken g12 and he also mod the brackets a bit, you can see the problem at 7:44

So i think you are telling me to do something like this other guy, a custom bracket of wood and mount an aio, it should work i guess, you can see this part from 3:40 to 3:55 air cooler on gpu
Ahh. I'd not trust dude in the video. At all. The 2060 uses a tu106-200, the 2060 Super uses a tu106-410. It also has a slightly different power delivery configuration and a very different power port layout. The fact he started out the video using nail polish remover for the paste is a deal breaker for me. Doesn't help he swaps references with the 2060 and Super version constantly.

What I'm saying is that you have options. Not that you should do this or that, but if the accelero turns out to be a dead end, you can change things a bit 'out of the box' thinking.

The g10/12 uses the fan and heatsinks for all the mosfets and chips, the only thing actively cooled is the gpu itself, by the pump/rad. A fan takes care of the chips. People have been doing that for years in one form or another, nzxt just made liquid cooling possible instead of only air.

I had a Zalman flat 'copper donut' cpu cooler on a 8800 GTS 512 with the same stick on heatsinking on the chipsets. Worked like a champ.
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Yes the video seems a bit sketchy.

So then after all of this, im thinking on doing this blizzard t2 mini mod but it could also be a 'pure rock slim' from be quiet or any other cooler with better performance that could fit in there.

On the worst scenario (if those have bad performance and i need more height distance) i could buy a pcie extension and stick the gpu to the bottom and switch the gpu upwards, so i can get more height for a bigger cooler, does this look right?

Many thanks for the ideas btw, im pretty new on modding anything actually.
Hah, you've been modding your whole life, just never realized it. Every time you stuck tape on a rip, that's a mod. Stick cardboard under a wonky table leg, that's a mod. Used an empty beer bottle as an ashtray, mod. Any time you've changed anything from its specific intended purpose.. Mod.

The T2 idea isn't new, but it IS effective on lower TDP cards, just realize that the TDP of that cooler is @ 125w and the rtx 2060 is a 160w card. There's a reason for the 4-5 8mm heatpipes and a heatsink that stretches from end to end of the card.
All right im gonna try a couple of 120mm fans, sounds good.

Also i know a bit about TDP but sometimes i can't believe they put a lower end heatsink than the actual TDP of the card, that's why cards can't cool properly right? so my common sense tells me the stock heatsink and fans are way lower than 160TDP, could it be they are like 100tdp or so?
Quite often you'll find common sense has no basis in reality. Gpus have boundaries. They have certain size limitations in 1 slot, 2 slot, 3 slot cards that will actually fit inside a case. A gpu heatsink can only be 'so' big. And airflow over a vane has certain characteristics, the vapor chamber in the heatsink has certain characteristics as does changing the size from 7mm to 8mm. All that and more is engineered into a gpu heatsink. And they have fan constraints as well. Gigabyte? has even gone so far as to reverse the rotation of some center fans in order to try and get better airflow.

And then the chip designers whom are always under pressure to come out with the next generation 4080ti chip that'll handle nvidia surround at 120+fps on 3x 4k monitors, throw the heatsink designers an even hotter running chip to figure out how to cool.

They do the best they can within all the boundaries set, both physical and public. Not many would buy a video card that had a 2 slot backplate but took up 5 slots worth of room and covered every other slot on the motherboard, and mITX would be totally screwed as would any case using a pcie riser. Size and weight constraints, let's not break the pcie slot.

And so the hybrid/aio cards were born.

It's not that companies stick a lower end heatsink on a gpu, they slap on a heatsink designed around the intended purpose. You buy the lowest-end model, expect the worst cooling and medium duty usage. You buy the highest rated gpu, has the best cooling and is designed for heavy duty usage.

It's not the vendors fault if you take a card like a 2060 and push it with details and resolution and post processing affects and treat it like its supposed to be a 2070. They feel like if you wanted 2070 performance, should have bought a 2070 in the first place. The bigger card has better cooling potential and is strong enough to have gotten your results without pushing the card to its limits thermally.

Many people say a 1080ti class card is overkill for 1080p/60Hz . I disagree, they'll never push that gpu hard enough to overheat it no matter what they do to it in game detail, but people generally don't think like that, all their concern with is the almighty fps count.
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"Not many would buy a video card that had a 2 slot backplate but took up 5 slots worth of room" I agree i thought on that too.

So i can say we need to buy a better card than the use is intended for, well the 2060 pricepoint was attractive for me but you are right.

I'll try to sell my card and in the case i can't, ill try the fan mod or aircoolermod it's an interesting alternative for me anyways, if i do, ill post it here or maybe do a dedicated post, thanks for the help!
Hello Jolev,

It is a EVGA RTX 2060, am I right?

I have the SC model. It has same PCB. You can mount the accelero using de 51x51mm bracket.

Not sure if all accelero III ships with this bracket by default, but it is included in the xtreme IV version.

Be aware that memory modules are too close to GPU, so you will cover a bit of these chips with the bracket.

But it is possible to use this aftermarket cooler.