Are the rich good for us?

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The Koch brothers are greedy money powered thugs so do speak. Screwing the poor person and middle class all the way.I hate them with a passion! Donating it to other greedy Republicans who want to screw you further.
Hey, you cant have Haliburton, so now we have the Kochs
Sounds to me people need to either feel the victim or have to pour their anger out at some made up evile entity.
Its almost like how dare we bring up the good these folks have done.
Is this indoctrinatred?

mingo, what is it about the Kochs that bothers you so much, that I can understand this obvious hatred
OK, this is what Ive gleaned so far.
We have Henry Waxman, the one who thinks raising taxes by finding demons is his job, mix in Hollywood for a good ol bashing of the evile corporation and here we go again
I can understand why you are so eager to ally yourself with them. They spend money on things that interest you like funding ALEC, and other very conservative groups.

I never said that giving money to charity or to philanthropic organization was a bad thing, its great for the people receiving the money. I don't agree with their hardline conservative views, and i dont agree with how they use their money to influence politics.

No I dont. As soon as you introduce money into politics on the levels that Soros and the Koch brothers its becomes less about democracy and more about pandering.

If Micheal Moore wants to make a movie about whatever interests him, go for it. If the Kock brothers want to spend money changing climate data thats a different story. Same goes with Soros and spending money to get his own views front and center.

Wealth doesnt not equal Voice.

Now here is where we agree mingo, but unions do this as well, just peek towards Wisconsin
Sorry about the yes, I was going somewhere else with it but the train derailed before it left the station and some residual Yes I Do's may have ended up there.

All patched up.
The Youtube link is brilliant...that guy Jesse Lava is the epitome of a useful idiot.

They would still have a voice without the NRA, they just wouldn't be flying Charlton Heston to Columbine...... I kid, I kid.

But thats not so much of an issue, they just want to make sure that they have access to their guns as defined in the constitution. I would object to a firearms manufacturer changing gun laws so they can increase their profit, via the NRA.

Like if winchester wanted to expand its market or make it easier to own guns, by giving tons of money to an organization like the NRA to launch ads robo calls or whatever, not because of civil liberties but because they want to increase their bottom line.

But yes a group of people expressing themselves, no problem.
OK, then we eliminate piggy backing of ads, that would have profound effects, and should such sanctions include OWS, the unions monies, Soros monies and the like?

Should planned parenthood then also be eliminated from giving monies and influence to various groups? etc etc

And as I pointed out earlier, the unions monies in regards to Wisconsin? Various groups busing people in to protest etc etc etc

Well Im not sure how far I would go, eventually you will hit a wall of personal opinion.... everybody has one, that's fine.

Im more interested in keeping very large amounts of untraceable cash away from politics. Any kind of secret funding for personal agendas through super PAC's especially should be stopped. Soros and the Kochs and other very wealthy parties are gaming the system, some of these people I agree with and some I dont, but again money does not equal voice.

Im also not sure how much money planned parenthood is giving away to influence elections, considering they are being defunded...... I would be more worried about wealthy peoples spending money to remove planned parenthood, because of their personal views. Or even though I agree that planned parenthood is a great organization and should stick around I wouldn't advise that people not affiliated with the organization spend money to promote it in a partisan way.

Do you see where I am going now?
Yes I do, and when I lived in Cali, they proposed by vote, a law that removed the right of the union to give donations to whom they saw fit, unfortunately it was shot down.

If youre in a union, and dislike someone, your money goes to that person whether you like it or not, and the union won this vote.
Now, a union is for its members to fight for them against grievances of their employers, which of course never would get voted on, as thats the unions function, but they also believe doing exactly the thing youre against.
Naturally were they can tax credits for what they gave. BIG DEAL!Gimme a break I said the middle class and poor are you ashamed of what i said? This is the truth the rich creeps are greedy just like the Koch brothers.
Both of the Koch brothers are worth about 25,000,000,000$ The money they donated is like .00001% of their total worth, this would be the equivalent of me dropping 20$ into a homeless guys hat.

Could this be a sign of a mental disorder? If I collected Pogs on the level they collect money I would be institutionalized.

Lets see, counting a persons worth means cars houses clothes income saving investments.
250 million is 1% of their entire accumualted worth, and theyre old, hopefully mingo, you will have more then than you do now.
Found these words of wisdom by someone who practiced what they preached:
A person who is attached to riches, who lives with the worry of riches, is actually very poor. If he puts his money at the service of others, then he is rich, very rich.

* Abandonment is an awful poverty. There are poor people everywhere, but the deepest poverty is not being loved.

* There are thousands of people dying for a piece of bread. There are thousands upon thousands dying for a bit of love.

* We have no right to judge the rich. What we desire is not a class struggle, but a class encounter, in which the rich save the poor and the poor save the rich.

* Riches, both material and spiritual, can choke you if you do not use them fairly. The result is uncontrollable dissatisfaction. Poverty is freedom, so that possessions don’t keep us from sharing or giving of ourselves.

No, because what most refer to rich either dont understand that these people are happy by "making it", or the ones that are rich are still striving like crazy, and they themselves arent happy.

So, for some, no completion, no happiness, while others have this with or without monies.
Regarding the rich only, and ignoring our presidents and VPs comments, making it is the dedfinition, and where that sits depends and varies from person to person, as our officials lump them all in, and then seperate the rich from us saying they dont get it, meaning the rich, that everybody has dreams, where our officials fail to get that
All these rich folks should have all their charity what they give shown publicly to9 see what is really transpiring with them.Transparency that is what it's about.