Are the rich good for us?

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They once went after Billy Graham, as his accounts werent equal to his income, and they thought he was doing something funny with his money.
He proceeded to tell them that the balances werent correct because all the money he had given to help people.
Again, they accused him of hiding his money, because he hadnt claimed any of his donations.
He again told them, you can check them, or see my records, with receipts, to whom Ive given.
They said this is very unusual since he hadnt claimed them, he told them, he had given the money in faith, a Christian thing, and they had to drop the case, as everything he had said was so.

Now, others dont necessarily go to this extreme, but giving is giving, and for those who receive those monies, sometimes its best to give quietly

I disagree. Why would rules be different for the rich than anyone else. I'm not rich, I'm not forced to say how much money I give to a charity, to the lottery, how much I spend on food, alcohol, healthcare, or anything else and no one is complaining. Just because someone has more money than I do why should they be forced to share all/any of these things publicly? Transparency is good for some things, but when it comes down to personal decisions with private earnings, other people have no business knowing what is done unless you willingly disclose the information.
American Liberals, from personal observation, are afraid if total currency isolation. Basically, the one who allocate money will eventually over time, hold all US currency in a reserve like fashion. only they would have money and the rest of us have none. This is one of those things where 'the rich get richer, and the poor get BIGGER'

*NOTE: The classification of 'poor' is that one of whom cannot allocate enough currency to participate in the economy.

The rate of poverty has increased, thanks to a broken capital system. I did not say a broken capitalistic system, I said a broken capital system.

A capital system is part of an economy of how money is distributed. Capital can come from resources,( it is one of the 4 basic resources: Land Labor, CAPITAL, entrepreneurship,) private funds for an exchange of resources, or a distribution through government sales of your services through programs.

How our capital system works is by adopting theories form Capitalism. Basically, you set up a service for others to buy out, whether is is employment through a corporation, proprietorship, or a capital investment group. When these systems work together, you create a fluid capital system.

Now, concerning the issues on how our capital system is broken is political and controversial. Many will agree and disagree with me on how it is broken.

How is it broken? Well, first off, we have a devalued currency. Next, we have every individual motivated to do anythings by any means to get money. I agree business is a smart way, but others choose to leach off of others,( welfare, wall street, bad CEO's and BoD's) Next, we equate the level of success and power equal to the amount of money they have. Let me be the first to say that a farmer who earns 40K a year off his farm vs the investor who make 300k of wall street; the farmer is richer than the investor. Why? He actually put physical resources into the economy. He actually contributed. Whereas, the investor got dividend off another persons success...the farmers corporation. Now, I know some will say that the investor 'risked his capital' for the sake of the country. Let me just say that personally, I hold those of manual labour in high regard. They take jobs we do not want and take the lower pay. They are risking more of their money for us than the investor. they actually contribute to their community, rather than a bureaucracy.

Thee are many ways to fix this nation. What needs to be done is have all of you idiots fix it. We the People are responsible for this mess...not Bush, Clinton, Romney, Obama, Congress, etc...we are!

It is time we stop being sociopaths and begin caring for the other guy!
I believe in transparency and they should show what they reap. Are they hiding something??
Then youd have to as well, since theres no bigotry allowed.
Then, everyone would wonder whos really hiding something, because everything is supposedly transparent, and big brother taps on your door and says it was you hiding something, but since you cant prove a negative, youd be in jail or worse

There are many things that people do not wish to share about their personal lives, including income. It does not mean there is something to hide, it means that they either personally feel uncomfortable sharing it or don't think that it is someone else's business to know their personal details. I don't want to tell you what my salary is, yet I have nothing to hide.
I am referring to politicians and those super PAC organizations like the Koch brothers and others. Not small entities like you and me.

How much time do you volunteer weekly to contribute to society?