I've been trying to find a good USB 3.0 RAID enclosure for my 2 laptop HDD's. Wanted to turn them into 1 big RAID 0 drive with 1.5 TB of storage however every enclosure I've seen out there has pretty bad reviews. The first one i tried, a Hornetek model kept disconnecting and eventually wouldn't even be recognized as plugged. The 2nd one, a Glotrends model, worked fine at first with only the occasional periods of time where it would also keep disconnecting and reconnecting but then today when I tried reconnecting it, the drive wouldn't read anymore and I'd get an error saying it's corrupted and unreadable now. So I'm assuming total loss of data in this case but I'd still like to try again with an external USB RAID dirve. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good and reliable USB RAID enclosure?