Hey guys,
pls bare with me.
I started FH5 premium edition yesterday (came from FH4 UE) but I had random crashes the whole game more than I drink water lol, game freezes for few secs then crashes without any errors, also I notices those screen artifacts in screen shots (recorded with shadowplay) they last for few secs but it makes me worried tbh, I couldn't spend a whole hour in the game due to multiple crashes and no matter EXTREME-LOW my graphics presets are (same Vram temps), are those artifacts bec the Vram Hotspot is 103c? or just the game?? in FH4 too the Vram temp reaches 95ish but never crashes randomly like that (at least since last time I played it) nor shows those artifacts. Ik my card needs new pads bec the current ones already leaked oil on the backplate in 2021 (bought card on july 2020 and finished pc in oct 2021) the card still on warranty but am not sure yet if the issue is still with my card temp to cause crashes soooo many in FH5 or it's from the game
the card settings are on default, voltage is already locked by aorus engine (aorus 2080 super) I have good airflow case with 9 strong fans (dont care about noise) including 1 very strong fan (cooler master JetFlo blue) intake for the card backplate.

pls bare with me.
I started FH5 premium edition yesterday (came from FH4 UE) but I had random crashes the whole game more than I drink water lol, game freezes for few secs then crashes without any errors, also I notices those screen artifacts in screen shots (recorded with shadowplay) they last for few secs but it makes me worried tbh, I couldn't spend a whole hour in the game due to multiple crashes and no matter EXTREME-LOW my graphics presets are (same Vram temps), are those artifacts bec the Vram Hotspot is 103c? or just the game?? in FH4 too the Vram temp reaches 95ish but never crashes randomly like that (at least since last time I played it) nor shows those artifacts. Ik my card needs new pads bec the current ones already leaked oil on the backplate in 2021 (bought card on july 2020 and finished pc in oct 2021) the card still on warranty but am not sure yet if the issue is still with my card temp to cause crashes soooo many in FH5 or it's from the game
the card settings are on default, voltage is already locked by aorus engine (aorus 2080 super) I have good airflow case with 9 strong fans (dont care about noise) including 1 very strong fan (cooler master JetFlo blue) intake for the card backplate.

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