riser :
I worked around a lot of Unions. Never for one because I don't believe in mediocracy. While I was working my tail off trying to make my company successful, several of our Union locations wouldn't step up to the plate. We ultimately had to close those locations. Those middle class workers were out of a job. The Union did nothing to help them. When you have production equipment that needs to run at 50% to make a profit, 78% to compete world class, and the Union is putting out 22% production capacity, no one will succeed. I saw this at nearly a dozen of our locations that were Union. Every month we went over the numbers and the locations that always performed the worst were Union controlled facilities. Our non-Union locations were paid better and had higher performance ratings. Because their performance was higher, they were paid more. Whereas low performers couldn't get paid more because they were bleeding money.
My neighborhood fell apart because all of the UAW workers who were overpaid and unable to find a job to even remotely match their overpaid rates. My neighbor was pulling in $70k a year moving transmissions from one line to the other line. It could have been a machine doing that but being Union controlled they had her doing it. She took a buy out of $140k and was broke a few months later. She didn't have a skillset. She eventually took a part time job for $11 working at a hospital in Accounts Payable. Basic stuff. No where near that $70k a year mark for basic work.
My neighborhood fell apart because all of the UAW workers who were overpaid and unable to find a job to even remotely match their overpaid rates. My neighbor was pulling in $70k a year moving transmissions from one line to the other line. It could have been a machine doing that but being Union controlled they had her doing it. She took a buy out of $140k and was broke a few months later. She didn't have a skillset. She eventually took a part time job for $11 working at a hospital in Accounts Payable. Basic stuff. No where near that $70k a year mark for basic work.
Well, thinking that anyone who belongs to a Union is beneath you is going to corrupt your point of view anyways. You never did explain how all the things that Unions did was a lie. Probably because they did do those things and for some reason you don't want to admit it.
Unions may not have a place in a global competitive market but the concept should never die. Letting management have complete control over their workers is just asking for trouble. If they are a good company that rewards hard work then that is fine. However who decides what hard work is? What if they are breaking their backs and its not enough because the company is run poorly and they expect the workers to make it up by working themselves to death? You have never seen the good a Union can accomplish so I doubt you will ever understand.