Question Artifacts when idle in browser


Feb 2, 2014
Hello! Hope you're all well.

I've got a weird issue. I'm experiencing artifacts when using a browser. I'm primarily using Opera, but I tried with other browsers (Chrome and Edge), and the same thing happens.
I've made an image of a representation how it looks, its either bigger or smaller and a bit different, but it more or less looks like that when it happens.

What I've noticed:
This has been going for quite some time, months, sometimes a bit more frequent, sometimes less.
It does not happen while doing stuff on the PC, only while in a browser.
It does not happen while playing games, never even once. I tried stress testing my PC with various tools, it acts normally.
It might be Chromium (since all browsers I tried are some sort of it), I will try Firefox browser to see how it behaves.
I've got no other issues, it just flickers for a split of a second, and goes away.
My GPU very rarely went over 65C, since I don't really play something that pushes my PC to the max, so it's usually more around 55C when under load. Idle is 30-35C.
I played Cyberpunk 2077 some time ago, that was the most demanding game in recent times, and then it was around 70C, iirc.

At the end, it doesn't really bother me, since it's been doing this for a long time and it works well in games, but I'm wondering what could be the issue and if someone had a similar situation.
Everything is up to date, but I don't think its a version problem, cause as I said it's happening for a while now.
Anyone got something to say to this? It's weird af....

Ryzen 5 5500
16GB RAM DDR4 3200
RTX 2060 6GB