I am actually looking forward to this - I have a PC that I have a Linux install on that I use only for office-work type of tasks. Web browsing, YouTube, and some retro gaming.
Multiple tabs on the browser will bring it to its knees, though, as it only has 4GB RAM, and is a Haswell Pentium (it's a Dell Inspiron Small Desktop PC).
That this is so much smaller still, and consumes even less power, well, I can see myself going small SSD, 8GB RAM, and an Athlon, and using it for the same purposes without it stumbling so badly with multiple browser tabs open (and I admit, it's multiple tabs on Facebook that are likely to do this).
Or, maybe, if it'll support Athlons that I hope will come out on based on the 3rd iteration of Ryzen. Even lower power consumption with about the same or better performance. I could almost see the original mistake of a 45W power brick actually being feasible.
I like this idea way more than I would've expected.
Here's the question - I get that the chassis is only 80mm high, less some offset from the MB stand and CPU socket... but won't a Ryzen with the standard Wraith Spire (a quick search reveals the cooler is 54mm high) still fit, even if cutting it close? I hope so...
EDIT: wait, I think the Athlon comes with a different cooler, and, if the photo in this review is right, looks shorter than the Spire...
Any which way, whether I go Athlon or lower-end Ryzen APU (2200g, or the presumed 3300g), I hope the stock cooler fits.