ASUS 7700 need advice?



I've just bought an ASUS 7700 GeForce2 GTS 'Pure'.
This is going into an ASUS A7V Motherboard with Duron650 128MB PC133.

Now the problem is...I've just read the spec on the ASUS website and they say the card is "recommended for Intel chipset mainboard".
The A7V has the VIA KT133!!

Please could somebody tell me if I'm going to lose out on a lot of performance by running this card on the VIA chipset??
I took the ASUS 7700 from my local store due to the Creative Annihilator2 being out of stock, so IF I'm losing out I'd like to exchange it.

ANY replies are greatly appreciated, thanks!!



As far as I know there is no compatibility issues between VIA and Intel chipsets. Or, stated differently: you should have no problems using your graphics card with a VIA chipset, as long as the required protocols (AGP etc) are supported by your motherboard.

However, I do believe that according to most tests that I have seen, the VIA chipsets tend to be slightly slower than the corresponding Intel sets. Of course, this difference is on the order of a couple of percent only, which means that I seriously doubt that you will be able to notice the difference in real life.

And anyhow, the Duron CPU is significantly faster than any Intel CPU you can get for the same money, which all in all means that you are better off with the system you've got now than with an Intel set.
