I've spent hours trying to find compatible memory for another Asus mobo. 1866 is needed for maximising the graphics performance. Asus provided QVL is a bad joke as usual. This is a nice mobo with remote capable of starting comp and cool software. Will make perfect x-mas gift custom built in nice small wooden box silent passive with pico-psu Has anyone heard someone made this board run with some easy to find affordable 1866 set? I'm used to buy several sets of memory for any one new Asus model. Usually one of them has worked fine Tired of that. Please help. Someone must have this board running 1866?
Jones, Finland
I've spent hours trying to find compatible memory for another Asus mobo. 1866 is needed for maximising the graphics performance. Asus provided QVL is a bad joke as usual. This is a nice mobo with remote capable of starting comp and cool software. Will make perfect x-mas gift custom built in nice small wooden box silent passive with pico-psu Has anyone heard someone made this board run with some easy to find affordable 1866 set? I'm used to buy several sets of memory for any one new Asus model. Usually one of them has worked fine Tired of that. Please help. Someone must have this board running 1866?
Jones, Finland