ATA-66 mode problem



Abit BE6-II (lates BIOS, 'UH', from 9/5/2000)
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40GB 7200RPM

When I try to run this drive in ATA-66 mode, it hangs. But runs just great in regular 33 mode, when connected to the EIDE ports.

Have the latest BIOS from Abit, removed all other IDE devices from the system. I'm using the ATA-66 cable that came with the drive, and am plugging it into the ATA-66 controller on the MB. Jumpers are correct(left as default single/master).

I'm at my wits end. I thought that the BIOS update would solve the problem, but it didn't. The drive is running very nicely in 33 mode, but what fun is that? :)


Make sure you have the drive connected to the correct plug on the ATA66 cable - check the manual for which on is for master/slave. Unlike ATA33(and older) IDE cables, it matters which one you plug the master or slave into.
Also make sure you installed the ATA66 drivers in Windows, they should be on a floppy and/or the drivers CD for your MB. UDMA mode is 4 for ATA66. You can change this at the Highpoint screen which apperas right after the POST (press <Control>+H).
I have the original BE6 with a 20GB IBM ATA66 7200RPM HD.


Thanks for the replies. Yep, I've double-checked my cable connection, and I have it set for UDMA-4.

Hmm, I didn't know that I needed to install ATA-66 drivers in Win98SE. Maybe that's my problem. Is this true of every ATA-66 drive?


Stanjk3, in this particular situation the drive was brand new, and had no existing OS on it. How could I install the AT-66 drivers in Win98, when the drive was only fdisked and formatted, and had no OS yet? Now that I have Win98 installed, I'll install the drivers for the controller and see if that works. Thanks for helping me! :)