Athlon 64 1500+?



I am recycling one of my older computers as a halo CE server.

It currently has a 3200+ venice, it works fine, although it is not on the cpu support list.

The mobo is a cheap ASRock K8NF6P-VSTA, I replaced the ASUS K8V-MX after it died.

I want to know if this mobo can run the 1500+, and if so, can I use a regular cooler on it? I noticed in the ebay listings, it has no casing on it.(like a laptop cpu)
The 1500+ is the 9 watt s754 processor sold in the HP BC1500 exclusively. Both of my motherboards are socket 754. I already checked the list, neither the one i am using atm(which works) nor the 1500+ is "supported".

I guess I should actually be asking this question:

Does the Geforce 6150 chipset support the Athlon 64 1500+?
I'de like to have "such a slow cpu",lol, because it uses 9 watts and .9 volts. Cheaper than buying a E-350 combo yes. I do think I would have to set volts and such, I ran a 3400m from my old laptop on my K8V. It went to windows 7 fine, increased my WEI. Ran for 2 days, stopped posting. Put the old one back in, worked fine.

So yes, I will set the volts manually. What about the heatsink? I used a cone-shaped one on my 3400m, the stock did not make contact, the problem is, said cone-shaped one was REALLY sucky, and it broke. I would guess the Zalman 7000 would be overkill for such a low power cpu?

I'll get them here and test then in a month or so when i'm not busy.

Could I bump this thread when I find out?
Did that CPU work in your old ASRock board? I have a VIA based "Chaintech" board in which I'm trying one of these. It POSTs ok, but I get kernel panics shortly into the boot process...

I ended up selling the two systems because I got a newer one. If your board works with mobile processors(and thus supports changing voltages) then it should work.

Try lowering the voltage on your board.