Athlon 64 1500+?



I am recycling one of my older computers as a halo CE server.

It currently has a 3200+ venice, it works fine, although it is not on the cpu support list.

The mobo is a cheap ASRock K8NF6P-VSTA, I replaced the ASUS K8V-MX after it died.

I want to know if this mobo can run the 1500+, and if so, can I use a regular cooler on it? I noticed in the ebay listings, it has no casing on it.(like a laptop cpu)


The 1500+ is the 9 watt s754 processor sold in the HP BC1500 exclusively. Both of my motherboards are socket 754. I already checked the list, neither the one i am using atm(which works) nor the 1500+ is "supported".

I guess I should actually be asking this question:

Does the Geforce 6150 chipset support the Athlon 64 1500+?
Drop it in and see if it will post. Some boards will run without having proper bios support and still detect the stock clocks as well voltage without issue. Others will post and run but user might have to set clocks and volts via bios to proper values.


I'de like to have "such a slow cpu",lol, because it uses 9 watts and .9 volts. Cheaper than buying a E-350 combo yes. I do think I would have to set volts and such, I ran a 3400m from my old laptop on my K8V. It went to windows 7 fine, increased my WEI. Ran for 2 days, stopped posting. Put the old one back in, worked fine.

So yes, I will set the volts manually. What about the heatsink? I used a cone-shaped one on my 3400m, the stock did not make contact, the problem is, said cone-shaped one was REALLY sucky, and it broke. I would guess the Zalman 7000 would be overkill for such a low power cpu?



I'll get them here and test then in a month or so when i'm not busy.

Could I bump this thread when I find out?


May 24, 2012
Did that CPU work in your old ASRock board? I have a VIA based "Chaintech" board in which I'm trying one of these. It POSTs ok, but I get kernel panics shortly into the boot process...



I ended up selling the two systems because I got a newer one. If your board works with mobile processors(and thus supports changing voltages) then it should work.

Try lowering the voltage on your board.