ATI Radeon HD 5870: DirectX 11, Eyefinity, And Serious Speed

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Gosh, where's all the whiners about the GTX295 "preview" at Tom's ? They went on and on about how Tom's shouldn't have done the preview since the GTX295 was a phantom card, might not be on shelves, and was just trying to delay or abort "xmas sales" for the competing ati.
Oh, that's right, they are fair and levelheaded, and I'm the "fanbio".
What a load.
Gee, are the 58's FINALLY widely available yet ?
For all the red roosters filled with hate and chips on your shoulders, go back and read your comments about Nvidia's "pre-release" review here - and then - you won't need to reply - you can keep bowing your heads in silent shame.
I'd like to know WHY so many people allow the loser underdog (ATI, for those blind enough to not know) such a wide corrupted berth, and yet when it comes to #1 (NVIDIA for those in denial), they cannot stop spewing their hating and lies - and never apologize when it turns out they were wrong.
Is paper 2xrebrand 58xx and 59xx widely available yet, or are we still required to eggsit for hours on end to hope a single card appears available ?
Of course you can't.
1. eyefinity and display port problems, $100 "active adapters", "special eyefinity" cards at outrageous prices, and near non-existent monitors with display port cables..
2. Is there a card on the shelf ? NO
3. one at the egg ? NO
4. one at tiger ? NO
5. "my new ati red rooster overpriced scalping non-available videocard is "throttling" again and not just in the ( LOL !) "powervirus" benchies like furmark and occt... BUT IN GAMES TOO! AT THE WORST TIMES ! IN THE MIDST OF THE HEAVY FIREFIGHT!
6. My "promised" ati voltage tweaker offers "1" that's right - one voltage tweak setting... ROFLMAO
7. When I voltage tweak my "super-overclockable-marketed as wondrous" ati the liars card, IT THROTTLES EVEN MORE - CUTTING MY FRMAERATE BELOW STOCK QUITE OFTEN !
8. > shouldn't need to list any more "problems", but I there are many more so I will.
10. amd's/ATI'S CEO was criminal - so he's "former now" but all the other criminals are still there...
11. the crime boss ati card brand co. /amd IS STILL LOSING BILLIONS EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
Yeah, it's a great card - the 5870 - gee what a great card - 40amp cheapo vrm's that throttle under the stupid half penny if that of copper tin thin stripe- the idiot ati design crew decided could be "barely afforded" on a $500 videocard... what a bunch of CRAP!!!!!
That's what I want - an expensive "throttling" piece of crap that hammers down to 550mhz right in the middle of the tighest action slamming my jerking screen to a crawl at exactly the wrong time - and totally screwing up my gamer trigger finger timing...
[citation][nom]Anonymous[/nom]what, no overclocking?[/citation]

It "throttles down" then and LOSES BADLY, so they omitted the the red roosters could have another fantasy joyride for a crap card.
[citation][nom]bounty[/nom]So no DX11 demos from ATI then? Any DX11 demos out in the world to play with? I'm curios if tesselation and other DX11 features will help performance, hurt it or be kinda neutral. Kinda like first gen of DX10 cards, some could do DX9 fine, but were slow with DX10.Otherwise nice card, fits nicely between 4870x2 and GTX295. I'm not sure if it's going to shake prices up too much, probably a little lower 295 prices etc. Waiting for the 5850 reviews now.[/citation]

DX11 sure as heck ain't going to do anything near as much as "the terrible, not needed, worthless and proprietary" PhysX already does exceedingly well for gamers, so you can count on a whole lot of pointless dry wad worthless e-peening about DX11 for a long, long time.

Example: " Here in this screenshot at 2560x, 16qxAA and 16AF, with full tesselation from the "awesome" 5000 series, if you blow the screenshot up in a separate browser window and focus on the now 1/2" square area of the frogs toe, you can see with squinting, there is a bit clearer area of pixels on the big toe."

Get ready, it's already happening - and in lieu of that, we'll hear the juvenile red-x-phrase "DX11!!!!!" - yes with extra exclamation points, and absolutely nothing else, the lack of anything else purposefully or more likely absentmindedly not mentioned, since there's no real visual benefit, and one must rely on the youthful exuberance of teeny-bopper estrogen for the DX11 reference. Oh, it does compute, it does tessel, it does ssao, but when you you look for it, it might as well do jack, because PhysX kicks the crap out it completely, and of course, the raging red roosters tell us how worthless PhySx is, every chence they get.
It's great to see such a giganto-massive FACEPALM !
[citation][nom]JeanLuc[/nom]I see you saved Nvidia's blushes by using a non standard 1Gb version of the GTX285 which meant it can run games at 2560x1600 rather then the standard 896MB's models.I plan to get one of these cards(HD5870) once the price drops a bit and there are some 3rd party coolers on the market to replace the stock HSF.[/citation]

There are NO GTX285's with less than 1gig of ram. Sheesh !
[citation][nom]trooper1947[/nom]The gtx295 is an overpriced antique and surely does NOT WOMP a 5870 ... plus yes win7 IS DIRECTX 11 ... and as far as those banners on games for nvidia ... they'll put any banner on a game for enough cash kickbacks ! Outdated components as usual with nvidia .... always 2 years behind ... LOL ! But the fools keep on buying them ... instead of that overpriced gtx295 ... run 3 5850's ... near the same expense ... you want to see some womping silicondoc ??? LOL[/citation]

Win7 runs DX9 games just fine on very old videocards. Now there's another WHOMP - and as far as DX11 games, what are you going to play ? You certainly have far less options than PhysX games, huh.
Sorry, I hate whomping "troopers".
Now, about triple crossfire - well - IT SUCKS and scales so poorly, it goes backwards more often than not.
Unlike the 285 and the 260 THAT KICK BUTT IN SCALING THERE.
Now, you tell me how great PhysX is, and I'll lie my butt off and tell you how great DX11 is in return... how's that for a more than fair deal for you ?
Yeah, so have fun but don't expect me to buy the FUD.
[citation][nom]sidel[/nom]will the 5870 and 5850 use physics?[/citation]

Yes, "bullet physics" (no examples of what it does around it's soooo lame and not ready for prime time), not PhysX, and the "bullet physics" was developed on --- get ready for it --- AN NVIDIA CARD! I guess the ati card couldn't hack it...

ROFLMAO -BWAHAHAHAHHAAA -It's true check it out. hahahahaha
[citation][nom]Anonymous[/nom]How about a triple monitor shootout? How does Eyefinity compare to SofTH using a second video card (like the one you just replaced with the 5870)? Can it handle different monitor resolutions for the flanking monitors? Does multi card and monitor use make Bloomfields a significantly better choice than Lynnfield processors? Help out your fellow multi-monitor minority, as there are ZERO tests/articles addressing this and none of us can afford to buy multiple video cards, motherboards, and CPUs to really test it out. All we have is word of mouth from the multi monitor forums.[/citation]

The triple monitor ati crap is LAMERED - and "stretches" the screen wide and you get a bunch of short fat crap in games, like a funny mirror at the ding dang county fair.
Yeah, it's all foobarred.
Check it out - yer on the net - it's CRAPPP!!!!
(oh like uhh.. one game might work - with the WIDEFS program that costs $xx - MS Flight Sim.... but then you don't need an eyefinity card)
They don't show it/review it, because it's EPIC FAIL !

Correction, GAMES do not support the screen aspect ratio. NOT ATI. They do not make the games. This problem happens on Triple Head 2 Go as well. As more games support it, then it will be more useful, Either way its FREE with all those cards anyway. No one forces you to use it.
Hey SiliconDoc interesting how you say it's a paper launch, yet they sold hundreds of thousands and had them available on Launch day, the GTX295 had NONE on launch day and even stated openly they wouldn't have any until the new year.

You can try to compare the two, but it's pretty obvious you don't know WTF you're talking about as usual, just posting your Fanboi crap.
I'm soon to be building a new rig including one of these. I'm waiting until the summer for budget reasons. (Being a student, I really need to keep whatever money I have for learning assistants before building a gaming rig which will only divert my attention further.)

I'm planning on buying one, building my system, and then another one later on.

These cards are quite a size, I'm sure the antec 1200 would fit it, but what cases have you used with them? Is there generous space left over?
[citation][nom]silicondoc[/nom]Gosh, where's all the whiners about the GTX295 "preview" at Tom's ? They went on and on about how Tom's shouldn't have done the preview since the GTX295 was a phantom card, might not be on shelves, and was just trying to delay or abort "xmas sales" for the competing ati. NOW, WITH THE 5870 WE HAVE THE PAPERIEST LAUNCH MOST ANY OF US CAN RECALL ! WHERE ARE THE ATI RED ROOSTER FANBOI WHINERS ?Oh, that's right, they are fair and levelheaded, and I'm the "fanbio".LOL What a load. Gee, are the 58's FINALLY widely available yet ? For all the red roosters filled with hate and chips on your shoulders, go back and read your comments about Nvidia's "pre-release" review here - and then - you won't need to reply - you can keep bowing your heads in silent shame. I'd like to know WHY so many people allow the loser underdog (ATI, for those blind enough to not know) such a wide corrupted berth, and yet when it comes to #1 (NVIDIA for those in denial), they cannot stop spewing their hating and lies - and never apologize when it turns out they were wrong. Is paper 2xrebrand 58xx and 59xx widely available yet, or are we still required to eggsit for hours on end to hope a single card appears available ? CAN YOU SAY NEAR PAPER LAUNCH YET RED FANS ? CAN YOU BEAR TO SAY IT !! ??Of course you can't.---1. eyefinity and display port problems, $100 "active adapters", "special eyefinity" cards at outrageous prices, and near non-existent monitors with display port cables..2. Is there a card on the shelf ? NO3. one at the egg ? NO4. one at tiger ? NO5. "my new ati red rooster overpriced scalping non-available videocard is "throttling" again and not just in the ( LOL !) "powervirus" benchies like furmark and occt... BUT IN GAMES TOO! AT THE WORST TIMES ! IN THE MIDST OF THE HEAVY FIREFIGHT!6. My "promised" ati voltage tweaker offers "1" that's right - one voltage tweak setting... ROFLMAO7. When I voltage tweak my "super-overclockable-marketed as wondrous" ati the liars card, IT THROTTLES EVEN MORE - CUTTING MY FRMAERATE BELOW STOCK QUITE OFTEN !8. > shouldn't need to list any more "problems", but I there are many more so I will.9. ATI RAISED THE PRICES.. GREEDY SCAPLERS...JERKS10. amd's/ATI'S CEO was criminal - so he's "former now" but all the other criminals are still there...11. the crime boss ati card brand co. /amd IS STILL LOSING BILLIONS EVERY SINGLE YEAR.----Yeah, it's a great card - the 5870 - gee what a great card - 40amp cheapo vrm's that throttle under the stupid half penny if that of copper tin thin stripe- the idiot ati design crew decided could be "barely afforded" on a $500 videocard... what a bunch of CRAP!!!!! ----That's what I want - an expensive "throttling" piece of crap that hammers down to 550mhz right in the middle of the tighest action slamming my jerking screen to a crawl at exactly the wrong time - and totally screwing up my gamer trigger finger timing...----NO THANKS. I'M WAITING FOR NVIDIA TO RELEASE SO I DON'T HAVE TO SCOWL, AND THEN PUT ON SOME HAPPY FANBOI FACE WHEN DYING INSIDE FROM THE MASSIVE ATI SCREW UPS WITH 58XX AND 59XX.[/citation]

Lmao, holy flying fanboy emo rage, Batman!
I have been using the 5850, a bit slower then the 5870, but have found it to be an incredible card. Plays all current games with great frame rates. I just can't understand the bashing when they have produced an excellent card.
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