I've had a Dell S2415H monitor for several years. During that time, I've never been able to get audio through HDMI via my GPU (GTX 970) working. Last week I mounted the monitor to a clampy arm thing (this one) and got a tp-link USB bluetooth adapter (this one). Following this, HDMI audio started suddenly working...sort of.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, seemingly completely at random. If it's working and I put my PC to sleep, it will stop working. I've noticed that sometimes if I've been using my headphones via bluetooth and disconnect them, my speaker audio will start working, but it's not reliably reproducable. The HDMI audio option is called "Dell S415H-2 (4-Nvidia High Definition Audio)". I've tried setting the monitor as the default audio device in the Windows control panel and setting the monitor as the selected audio device in the Nvidia control panel. I've also updated my GTX 970's drivers several times.
While fiddling with audio settings (enabling and disabling the monitor in the control panel etc) I noticed that my current audio device in the taskbar volume thing was switching back and forth rapidly between the monitor and "Digital Audio (High Definition Audio Device)". Not sure if that's relevant.
Also not sure if it's relevant but there's several inactive "Nvidia output" devices listed in the sound control panel. It looks like this.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? When I got the monitor I assumed the speakers were just broken, but apparently they aren't.
Full specs in case it matters:
MSI Z87-G45 Gaming mobo
GTX 970
I should also mention that I'm currently using a completely fresh reinstall of Windows 10, installed on a formatted SSD, although the behaviour was the same before the wipe and reinstall.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, seemingly completely at random. If it's working and I put my PC to sleep, it will stop working. I've noticed that sometimes if I've been using my headphones via bluetooth and disconnect them, my speaker audio will start working, but it's not reliably reproducable. The HDMI audio option is called "Dell S415H-2 (4-Nvidia High Definition Audio)". I've tried setting the monitor as the default audio device in the Windows control panel and setting the monitor as the selected audio device in the Nvidia control panel. I've also updated my GTX 970's drivers several times.
While fiddling with audio settings (enabling and disabling the monitor in the control panel etc) I noticed that my current audio device in the taskbar volume thing was switching back and forth rapidly between the monitor and "Digital Audio (High Definition Audio Device)". Not sure if that's relevant.
Also not sure if it's relevant but there's several inactive "Nvidia output" devices listed in the sound control panel. It looks like this.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? When I got the monitor I assumed the speakers were just broken, but apparently they aren't.
Full specs in case it matters:
MSI Z87-G45 Gaming mobo
GTX 970
I should also mention that I'm currently using a completely fresh reinstall of Windows 10, installed on a formatted SSD, although the behaviour was the same before the wipe and reinstall.