Question B365 HD3 causing high cpu usage in games

Nov 29, 2021
I have been having this headache of a problem with my pc. I have humongous stutter in some games ( not all ). Unfortunately i don't know when it started because i was playing games that were not stuttering, but when i got new graphics card i wanted to test fps and there it was.
The humongous stuttering happens in Fortnite and Minecraft. In other games like CSGO, Valorant, Gta, Warzone, PUBG, Rocket League, League of Legends only random micro stutter. I have tried everything from the most simple things like reinstalling windows or drivers. To doing things in registry that i found online. Temperatures, clocks, voltages, wattages are all good. The stuttering is always the same and changing game settings doesn't fix it.
But nothing has fixed it.
I have ruled out all of the components exept my motherboard. I believe that is the problem because i have ruled out everything else hardware wise.
Motherboard- Gigabyte B365 HD3
CPU- Intel i5 9400F
RAM- 16GB G skill 2666Mhz
Video card- Gigabyte Gtx 1650 super D6 single fan
Storage- 256 GB SSD
Storage- 500Gb HDD
PSU- Be quiet power 9 400W
Maybe someone knows something how this could be fixed, exept changing my motherboard.
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The ssd is 92Gb free. Cpu temps don't go over 70
PS. I forgot to mention that when it stutters cpu is at 100% BUT i got a new cpu yesterday and it still happens so it cannot be the cpu.
No viruses. I scanned multiple times.
I have Fortnite on my hdd and minecraft on my ssd. hey both stutter the same. In other games the stutter is micro (very small).
SSD usage is under 10 %
HDD usage is very high until the game fully loads in.
The stuttering gets smaller when Minecraft and Fortnite load in but you can still notice it.