[SOLVED] B450 Bios For R7 3700X(pls read..)


Feb 20, 2013
Currently i'm with R5 3500X/B450 mobo and Bios P3.60 (Asrock)
Bios for 3700X is P3.30 after checking the CPU support list.. DO i need to OR is it mandatory to install P3.30 when higher bios value P3.60 already in the system now(if i'm going to get R7 3700X).. Some friend says i don't need to 'downgrade' the Bios but i'm more willing to listen here in this forum.. Thanks in advance!
The BIOS version means at least that version, not specifically only that version.

Schlachtwolf is right-on, however. It doesn't make a lot of sense to upgrade just from a 3500X to a 3700X, from a financial standpoint.
Why go for a what is at the end of the day an inter-generational CPU "swap"? why not make sure the Bios is on the latest version and put in a 5600x which will give you around 20% more than what you now have for the same money, on the Asrock website you get a full list of CPU/Mobo/Bios compatability.
The 3700x is only going to give you around 10%.