I'm looking to buy one of the new Ryzen 5000 CPUs on release day (if I can be so lucky). I don't currently have any Ryzen CPUs and I'm wondering if a certain (or any) mini ITX B550 (or 570) board will support it with the bios is ships (as I can't upgrade bios without a compatible cpu right?). I see lots of lists of boards that are offering support, but no mention of what boards ship with it (if any). My ideal candidate is https://www.newegg.com/gigabyte-b550i-aorus-pro-ax/p/N82E16813145222?Description=mini itx b550&cm_re=mini_itx b550--13-145-222--Product, I've liked gigabyte boards in the past, but am open to another option. If possible I would like to purchase my motherboard before release, what options do I have?