Backup Hard Disk Taking too much time to load


Jan 6, 2012
Hello everbody, I am in a real problem and need your help...

I have widnows xp service pack 3 and use two hard disk, one IDE and the other Serial Ata.. I use the IDE one for my windows files and my windows is installed in the IDE itself... I used the Serail Ata hard disk to save all my works, docuemnts, music, everything, and actually it is not loading... That's the problem..

When i boot up my pc, it shows the two hard disk, the windows stat to load but as soon as the window finish loading, instead getting the User Account Page, the screen get black..

and actualy when i remove the serial ata hard disk, it loads normally and i dpont get any problems but the problem is taht i need all my work and everything which is in my serial ata hard disk.. Please give me some advice... Thnxxx...
Hmm ok.

Shut down your computer - re plug in your SATA drive, then turn it back on, Press F8 (maybe F10, or F12) or whatever F button you use to get into your BIOS. Now in your BIOS make sure you IDE drive is selected as the main boot drive.
no, have not tried, well i have intel pentium r dual cpu 2.2 ghz with 2 gm ram and i have biostar p4m900-m7 fe as motherboard, the hard disk (Sata) is a hitachi of 160 gb).. and finaly what i can see about the power supply is that its from a brand called "Linnet" ATX 12 V P4...
Alright I found your motherboard manual:

If my suggestion still doesn't work, try resetting your CMOS (with both of your hard drives attached). It is found on the second page of the manual for your motherboard.

Edit: Going through your BIOS manual - make sure your SATA controller is enabled.

Was your hard drive working previously? Do you know of anything out of the ordinary that might have happened to your computer when your hard drive stopped working?