[citation][nom]lutel[/nom]It's not about making it better and better and... Its about their new business model which can allow MS to survive a bit longer. Honestly, new Windows OS'es features cannot justify switching to new releases. It is only policy of supporting OS for limited period of time that forces users to switch to new versions, which, in fact, are more and more bloated, so they require more and more support.[/citation]
Yes, because Microsoft sends over the heavies to hold you in a Headlock whilst threating to spill the Kittens milk if you don't upgrade to their latest OS.. . . Come on!
What exactly do you want! What exactly do you expect from one of the largest software houses in the world!
Your argument would leave you still dabbling on a c64, no-one told you to move on, technology moves regardless, its your choice to decide to move with it or not, hell Ive still working PC's from eons ago that are no longer useful in a modern world, they still work, and will probably long after I am dead, If you don't change what they were designed to do!
Microsoft have pretty much single handedly forged the modern computing world for home users over the years, more so that all other software houses free and paid for put together since the advent of the Modern Personal Computer!
What the heck do you want, Microsoft to say hey yes, buy windows 95, we will support it for 100 years, sure no problem!
How long does the warranty last on all your other products you purchase, lets see, your car, your tv, your microwave, your phone, yes microsoft has provided long term support for Windows XP longer than what was reasonably required, thats how good they are!
Why the heck do you think its wrong for a Business to want to make money? Thats the purpose of Businesses, to make money, to pay its employees.
The amount of money directly paid out to Microsoft employees is immense, thats roofs over families heads, food for families, would you deny them that!
Never mind the MASSIVE turnover of other companies and private businesses that rely on Microsoft Products for their own survival!
Do you think Google would be with us today if it was not for Microsoft, or all the games Developement houses like Blizzard, rage, epic, EA Games, Activision ect, Security companies, private bespoke software houses, hell lets get in to the hardware side of things...If microsoft did not push new OS features that require faster hardware, would there be such a development pace in hardware design, think of the money that goes it to new hardware, it pays salaries to people, keeps the economy moving!
Bet you wish microsoft said "yeah, here we go, buy Windows 95, get free upgrades for extra features we put in for life, sure we don't need any extra money to invest in our product from this point onwards"
Microsofts policy for supporting one of its OS products for a specific amount of time is its own choice to make as a Business! It does not owe anyone anything, It does not have to give explanation of this to anyone, if you don't like it, don't use it, go buy an Apple, or learn how to use Linux!
From the outset, every release of Microsoft windows OS has been better and better, with new features added that are worth paying for! they have made mistakes, Win ME which they killed moving to NT based Win 2000 and Vista ( Which they fixed creating a superb Windows 7) they should have just said bollocks to everyone moaning about the long release period between XP and Vista and carried on developing till its current state to release. But everyone wanted more, wanted a better OS than XP, were shouting out for it, for more features! And after that, now they moan about having to upgrade!
Microsoft survive a bit longer HAHA, just wait and see, they are Big, and Dynamic, they have been slumbering along, but realize they need to move quick to stay relevant, and they have stoked their internal fires to get results..
Just wait for it, Windows on Every device, that same experience on all your devices, phone, tablet, laptop, PC, Console, your Music, Games Docs, Digital life seamlessly accessed across any device you own, that is the future!