MU_Engineer :
It is easiest to kill the greatest number of people with explosives, fire, and mass-transit kinds of vehicles. Our largest casualty count mass murders were committed with aircraft and a truck filled full of diesel fuel and fertilizer. The highest death count school attack was perpetuated with fire (arson.) You can't possibly ban any vehicle larger than a scooter or anything remotely flammable that's larger than a couple of ounces as it would reduce our standard of living to below that of cavemen (cavemen had sticks to burn to make fires.) So, people will be able to perpetuate high body count mass murders even if there are zero firearms on the face of the earth.
Some of that may be true, but we're not talking about aircrafts, or car bombs, or concocting homemade explosives, we're talking about handheld, househeld guns that are manufactured by billion dollar companies, distributed to most every idiot; legally. Go to Walmart, or even just be aware of the general public you encounter throughout the day, and with each person you see ask yourself, "Would I trust that person with a gun?". 'No' will be the answer about 90% of the time.
MU_Engineer :
Your gun violence deaths are very misleading. You obviously did not correct for per-capita figures and the U.S. is one of the most populous countries out there which obviously skews the statistics. Luxembourg has virtually no deaths, what are they doing differently? Oh, right, it's because the entire country is about the size and population of a handful of city blocks. The figures also include suicides which are by far the most common cause of firearm-related death and this is not related to violent crime by one iota. Banning firearms will also not do much to lower the suicide rate. Trust me, suicidal people will use whatever is around. Expect deaths by other means to completely replace deaths by firearms if there are no firearms. I hope the suicidal jumper who would have shot himself in his own house doesn't land on your car and kill you too when he jumps off the overpass.
Okay. The US has 315 million people, Japan has 1/3rd of that, yet Japan has a 1/120th of the guns death that we do. Similar finding for other countries as well. And we're not talking about suicides, we're talking about homicides. If someone wants to kill themselves, really, gravity can take care of that. Guns have nothing to do with the reason for suicide, yet guns are the reason why its so easily possible to walk into a school and masacre a group of people. How possible would that have been with any other, lesser lethal, weapon? A lot harder, and thus a lot less probable to happen. That's my point, guns make it easier, much[i/] easier to kill.
MU_Engineer :
Firearms are not simply tools designed for killing other people. The vast majority of rounds are used for target practice, which is a generally harmless sport where nothing gets "hurt" besides a piece of paper or a little bit of compressed clay. They are also useful tools for wildlife and pest control.
Tell me then, what were guns invented for? To kill. For war. Nothing more, nothing less. The chinese invented gun powder and it took off from there. It's not been until more recently that using guns have become a "past time sport". Target practice...practice, for what? To shoot a real target. Why do most of the paper targets have a silhouette of a person on them? Interesting.
The majority lifetime of guns have been used for the application of war and killing and hunting; all of which don't hold a place in civilian life (we've advanced beyond the average person needing to buy a gun to hunt their food. Hunting is a "sport" now, for most). What you're talking about is comparable to taking a Siberian tiger as a pet in a suburban environment; it's out of place for it's nature, and so is a gun in the hands of the average person. And it's not even like they're buying it knowing they're going to use it! Most people buy a gun for the "what if" scenario; meaning, they are buying out of fear, and companies are healthily profitting off of that fear.
MU_Engineer :
We also do put people in charge of much more dangerous objects than firearms with very little training. They are called "automobiles" and kill many times more people annually than firearms do, even including the suicides which would have died by some other means. You can also buy automobiles nearly anywhere (there are hundreds just sitting out in the open in pretty much every town in the country!!) and you don't even need a background check of any sort to buy one!
You're right, most people shouldn't be on the roads. But a car and a gun aren't even close to comparable, and I'm not going to spend my time on that battle.
MU_Engineer :
So I assume you are also a guy who never locks his doors, doesn't secure his wireless with encryption, and publishes all of his financial information and SSN on his Web page? If not, then what do you have to fear? We live in a *safe world,* don't we? Locking your doors and such is just an admission that you are assuming your property will get attacked!
You're talking in extremes, whereas I'm talking about practical, everyday situations. And that's correct, I'm not defending my wireless network with a gun; I do it with AES 256 bit WPA2/PSK encryption, and that works just fine. And I lock my doors as well, and the dead bolt and lock works just fine. None of that has anything to do with buying a weapon so lethal all I have to do is point and squeeze. If you're that afraid of where you live or the people that live around you, maybe you should just move.