Ban Assault Weapons

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Actually it's filled with gun-owning patriots. Not a lot of toting going on there, except maybe in Texas. Most of the guns are hunting rifles that are safely stashed away and taken out only for things like occasional gun cleaning and hunting.

Build your own. It'll be much cheaper and the parts are all commercially available. 😉 I just saved you a few bucks.
Er, dude, you do know that an ICBM doesn't need a carrier and is too large to fit on one anyway...
I was referring to the drone. I would recommend starting off with the Parrot 2.0, refining your skills and develop a larger one.

Now on the ICBM, that one you're on your own in making. I hear there is an empty launch pad or two in Florida you could use to launch it once you built it.
I waited for someone to either play into it or play off of it, and when that didn't happen...
Not when you hearing idiots like M Savage and Jones talk about the Government is taking over our lives soon. Hopefully there are more sane people who own guns and use them for just hunting small prey and nothing else.

And Americans wanting their rights is not patriotic?
That makes sense....
There is a limit to being a patriot and being a moron which most of these radio hosts are and alarming people for no dam reason.defending your country is being a patriot like I did in the Vietnam War.Not going around and using this senseless arsenal people have like large capacities of magazine clips and automatic weapons which are used in the military not in civilian life.This is out of control now!
I agree Marv.

These gun nuts can rationalise things all they want in terms of being able to protect themselves and the 2nd holy amendment but at the end of the day there is insufficient justification for most of these guns to be available ... in a civilised society.

Perhaps we are setting the bar too high?

Perhaps the US from a cultural perspective is regressing?

That appears the case economically ... the UK suffered a similar fate after the two world wars and will never recover now.
The hippies who now drive social concerns, and have for quite some time was the begining of this cultural dropoff.
My kids, younger people act like all kids do, "Oh, this is sooo cool", acting like this new ideal/idea/mentality/concoiusness etc etc whatever is actually new.
Just look into those who claim Obamas ties to a major mover in the hippy movement, look at the ideals ideas etc etc ad nauseum
of those hippies, and how theyve taken flight into the US and throughout the world.

This mindset did exist before, and even amongst governments, but never had the peronal appeal as it does today.
If this is a claim as to a falling off of ideals and decency here, you know where to start to look
Here's a better version: Children are a product of their environment. The kids who commit this atrocities are the product of the people who want to ban liberties :)

Further description: It's the whole "social responsibility" vs "personal responsibility" argument. The people who commit these acts come from environments where social responsibility takes precedence over personal responsibility. And people who believe that only society can be held responsible for personal acts are the same people who believe that society must prevent personal acts.

If you told a hippie "don't run with scissors", they'd say "you can't tell me how to live my life". Now that those hippies are adults, they sue scissor manufacturers for making an unsafe product. And the next step? Ban scissors!
Hahah, I have my moments of clarity. I was a genius kid but...after many years of hard living and head injuries, I mostly rely on luck 😛
You hit it on the head . Drug companies should start to be investigated now with these increases in crimes who are making tons of money from these meds.My second wife was a paranoid schizophrenic and these anti psychotic drugs ruined her mind and she finally died at a young age from this dreadful illness. Adam Lanza was on meds most of his life for his illness which was causing his instability to cope with society and being a loner and a outcast.I am glad you brought this up.Thanks Marv
Link to an article on American Thinker about common sense legislation based on rational thought that addresses the reality of our society.

If the president is serious about curbing gun violence, this is what he needs to do.

From the article and adding my comment...
Gun shows are a different matter in my book since I'm told that they don't perform background checks at gun shows. Why that loophole exists is a mystery to me, and closing it doesn't seem like too much to ask. The background checks that all of us have to endure when we purchase a rifle, shotgun, or pistol in a gun store may not be perfect, but they discourage known felons and people with a history of mental illness from attempting to buy guns.
...offering my personal perspective on the "gun show loophole". I frequent several guns shows each year and have purchased firearms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York. At EVERY gun show where I made a purchase from a licensed gun dealer, I was subject to a federal background check; at EVERY gun show. Not once in the past 15 years have I EVER been able to purchase a gun at a gun show without a federal background check. The gun show "loophole" does not apply to licensed and permitted gun dealers even though it is aimed at curbing their sales. Specifically, the gun show loophole is when a private citizen without a gun dealers license or permit sells a firearm at a gun show. Because this is considered a private sale, it is not subject to the federal background check. Please note that the loophole is very easily closed (as it has been in several States) by not allowing private citizens to sell firearms at gun shows and only allowing licensed and permitted gun dealers to sell at the shows. As a result, the gun show loophole is a misnomer and bogus liberal talking point aimed at prohibiting legitimate gun sales and commerce.

The joke about the gun show loophole is the fact there is nothing stopping a private citizen (providing they are following all State and Federal laws) from placing an add in the newspaper to sell an AR-15. Given this would be a private sale outside the confines of a gun show, the buyer would not subject to the federal firearms background check. This is why you hear the anti-gun crowd spew the draconian narrative of banning all private firearms sales. But if that's the case, then we need to consider banning the ubiquitous suburban garage sale as it may contain a weapon of some sort that could potentially be used in a mass killing. Banning the private sales of firearms does not even consider just how ludicrous banning the sale of any private property is; is that what people really want, the federal government telling them what private property can and can not be sold to another private citizen?

It's slippery slope as the anti-gun crowd calls for "common sense" gun control without considering just how far "doing what is necessary to save just one life" can go.

Anti-gun legislation and bans always remind me of Patrick Henry...
Is security so dear, or wealth so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

What do you deserve as an American? Liberty or security?

I agree that high capacity magazines should be available to the every day citizen if they are also available to local the local police and military.

But I have always wondered why anti-gun rhetoric always start with the word "need"; ever notice that? I don't think they understand that it's not a question of needing anything, it is about the federal government illegally usurping the rights of the People to purchase a product that is openly available on the free market.

Do you "need" an SUV that gets 15 mpg when you are the only occupant especially when a Prius would result in the same end and be more environmentally friendly? No, but do you want an SUV because it gives you a better view of the road and it increases your survivability in case of an accident?

Would anti-gunners find it acceptable if the federal government banned all vehicles that got less than 30 mpg in the name of "common sense environmental policy" and "reducing America's dependence on foreign oil"?

The "extended magazine" argument is erroneous. I wish they would please stop pretending that high capacity magazines have anything to do with a mentally unstable person wanting to go postal in an elementary school.

It kills on average 30+ thousand people a year.
Sometimes its accidental, sometimes its carelessness, and sometimes it done thru violence.
Its been regulated to death, costing Americans billions a year, with the government only wanting more regulations, and thus adding costs, each year.
The manufacturers are told what to make, what regulations they must follow, yet many sell them when theyre illegal to the regulations, as do individuals, thus threatening everyone else.
Why do we let this happen?
Oh, and be careful how you answer, it could happen to you
Like Ive said, actions like this only imperil the Dems down the road, and sets extreme and bad examples going forwards, as the presidency wont always be held by Dems.

To me, these actions seem more parliamentary than American/Republic.
Too much power only slows things down, and doesnt provide solutions
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