musical marv :
We have to reinstate the Assault law ban we had in the 60's.
The "assault weapons ban" was actually from 1994-2004, not in the 1960s. All the 1994 ban did was to ban certain combinations of "military looking" features on weapons. I think you are confusing the 1994 law with the 1986 "Firearm Owners Protection Act" which banned the sale of new
fully-automatic weapons and the Gun Control Act of 1968 which mostly set up the FBI background checks.
The features banned in 1994 were of no real use to anybody. Okay, you ban detachable magazines larger than 10 rounds. What's to stop me from having 20 10-round magazines? Nothing, and you can load a new magazine very, very quickly into a box magazine weapon. Banning flash hiders was stupid as well as these shooters aren't trying to snipe from afar in the dark. Folding stocks are similar- a long gun is long and a folding stock doesn't make a rifle as concealable as a handgun- especially since the 1934 National Firearms Act banned rifles with a barrel of less than 16". I think there were a few other equally dumb provisions of the 1994 law as well. Oh, and furthermore- most criminals using weapons to commit crimes use handguns, not rifles. Banning flash hiders on rifles had absolutely diddly effect on handguns. The only restrictions in the 1994 law that even applied to handguns was the magazine capacity limit. We also had no increase in crime with the 1994 law expired in 2004, either. So that ban was completely ineffective no matter how you look at it.
This is getting more horrific everyday we see and hear.
What you hear is getting more horrific, sure. We now have 24/7 news media that broadcast anything and everything remotely interesting for weeks on end. (If I hear "Super Storm Sandy one more time, I swear I will puke!) Actual murder rates are going down, but you are just hearing more about each and every little thing that goes on now so it seems like there is more violence.
There is no reason for people to have these semi automatic weapons at all.
Wrong. There are many reasons. Target shooting, hunting, and self defense are very good reasons. I take it you have not engaged in any of those pursuits if you are making that kind of comment. I do a good deal of target shooting and some hunting. For example, it would be a real pain to try to shoot a sporting clays triple with a break-open single-shot/SxS/OU shotgun. Semi-autos furthermore aren't that much faster to fire multiple shots compared to pump action and lever action weapons anyway. I use a pump shotgun and don't have any difficulty keeping up with the guys shooting semi-autos for sporting clays. The only difference is that mine just doesn't jam like theirs do
Oh, and to sum this up: no amount of laws will not stop these goofballs. Homicide is pretty illegal the last time I checked (and probably the most harshly punished crime too) and the anti-homicide laws haven't stopped homicide. I am willing to bet that adding one more law isn't going to do much. I suppose you could ban firearms, but that won't work to stop mass homicides for a bunch of reasons. First, the cat is already out of the bag and there are 300+ million firearms in the country. You can be absolutely assured that not all of them would be turned in/confiscated and there will always be firearms out there. Secondly, we have banned other objects/substances like marijuana and crack and look at how well that has worked. Guns
will be the exact same way- people who want them will be able to get them on the black market. Third, people will just use other methods which are far more destructive than shooting. The worst mass school killing in the U.S. involved arson. The worst public mass killing in the U.S. involved crashing airplanes into a building, and the second worst was done with a bomb. A guy with a gun ranks way down there on the list of ability to ramp up the body count compared to somebody using arson, biological/chemical agents, or explosives.