Batman Arckham City Dx11 Patch 64/32bit?

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Jul 27, 2011
Hello. So I installed the new patch for the DX11 fix. My OS is window 7 64 bit, but when I run the game it states it's running 32bit version. Anyone know why or had similar problems. Thanks.
The patch will work fine running the 32 bit version of the game. The issues in the patch notes involve running the patched version in DX11 on a 32 bit operating system. The game defaults to the 32 bit version, if they did include a 64 bit exe, you can probably find it in the game's folder somewhere, though it won't make any real difference performance wise.

While the patch certainly helps DX11, framerates no longer drop into the single digits, they still have a lot of work to do, in the outdoor areas framerates are still dropping into the 20s for a lot of people when using DX11, regardless of what graphics hardware you have, even the mighty GTX 580 is being brought to its knees, when it really shouldn't be. The patch apparently also...
The patch will work fine running the 32 bit version of the game. The issues in the patch notes involve running the patched version in DX11 on a 32 bit operating system. The game defaults to the 32 bit version, if they did include a 64 bit exe, you can probably find it in the game's folder somewhere, though it won't make any real difference performance wise.

While the patch certainly helps DX11, framerates no longer drop into the single digits, they still have a lot of work to do, in the outdoor areas framerates are still dropping into the 20s for a lot of people when using DX11, regardless of what graphics hardware you have, even the mighty GTX 580 is being brought to its knees, when it really shouldn't be. The patch apparently also introduced some performance problems in DX9 mode, so you may want to hold off on playing the game until they work these issues out, unless you are okay with the game getting choppy on occasion.
Thanks for the reply Supernova. Yes I found that 98% of games use 32bit. Didn't know that. My high-end PC with a GTX 590 also struggles at time with Batman AC with Dx11 and tessellation on high, 1920x1080 getting average 49fps and min 30fps. That extreme tessellation sure looks great though. It makes a 2d picture look almost 3d, withought the glasses.

I've been spoiled with the 590 so I can't play my games anymore unless locked at a butter smooth 60fps. So I guess I'll have to wait longer. I have so many games in my back log anyways.
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