Battlefield Vietnam

Stay away from it for now. I've heard the performance is terrible even on a fast system - very slow to load with lots of sound bugs. Also, there aren't many maps. I was eagerly awaiting it, but seeing the reviews, I'll wait until they release a big patch, then I'll take another look.

PIV 2.4c @ 3.12ghz
1gig PC3200 (512mbx2)
GF3 Ti200 64mb (soon to be replaced)
WinXP Pro
3DMark2001SE: 6453
3DMark2003: 746
Sirak is right its cr@p....dire performance on even low settings on my machine...WELL DONE DEVELOPERS!

<i>Mmmm Dawn AND Eve at the same time...Drroooooll
<b>XP2800 Barton, 2x512Mb PC2700, ASUS A7N8X, Hercules 9800Pro 128Mb. 😎
I've played it on my secondary machine... a 1.2 Ghz AMD with a Radeon 8500... and it seemed fine. Couldn't do max detail, but definitely playable.

Then again, I've only played it over a LAN, so maybe the performance issues these fellows are talking about are from playing on the net.

I think it's very cool, the helicopters rock, and you definitely need squad strategy to do well. Not like UT2004 onslaught, which is much faster paced and less reliant on team strategy, but both games are a blast.

<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 322/322)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2600+</b></font color=red> <i>(o/c 2400+ w/143Mhz fsb)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b></font color=red>
Basically its a badly coded game, as with all EA games. I mean TBh it looks worse than Call of Duty and runs worse than FarCry on my comp, so I have to turn it to low details to get laggless play. It takes quite a while to load and I personally dont really like the gameplay that much. I prefer the big open maps of 1942 and IMHO the planes were much better on 1942.

<A HREF="" target="_new">Yay, I Finally broke the 12k barrier!!</A>
Sirak is right its cr@p....dire performance on even low settings on my machine...WELL DONE DEVELOPERS!
you need to tweak your system then, because i could run medium detail on a TI4200 / 2000+Axp

and yea the game is crappy... if you have BF1942 mod- Desert Combat, then just stick with that because all that Vietnam is , is basically a mod..

vietnam era skins, a few new helicopters, and a few new guns. same amount of guns/jeeps/tanks/planes compared to Desert Combat. and some of the guns perform horribley.. the M16withScope zooms in WAY too far, making it hard to use..same with most snipers

maps? bad maps. most maps have a particular feel, but in Vietnam they are all the same, just different hills and vehicle spawn points.. kinda un-fun .. you dhave to play them to understand what i mean

so yea, even tho this game is a SEQUEL, it offeres nothing new over the original game really.. oh yea you get some grass to hide behind. other than that, the engine is the same.. some new water shaders and crap.. but it still has the same bugs/annoyances in the same places. its obvious the game engine had very little work put into it

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When bnf1942 came out it played like doom on most machines since none of us had enough memory let alone a decent graphics card. I hated that game and now I love it. Maybe BF Vietnam just needs time like BF1942 did.

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its not that dh.. its runs fine on my system

its just that, it offeres nothing new. basically the guys who made BF1942 are doing what the mod team that created Desert Combat did.. and Desert Combat does it better really. they did nothing to make a new game, Vietnam is basically just a mod itself, and the new additions arent even worth noting most of the time (like helicopters)

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I'm having a ball playing it... and playing it at 1600 x 1200 with max detail. I lag on some servers, but I expect that a patch will being fixing lag issues.

The helicopters are a very nice addition... being able to airlift vehicles is something else to note, as well as the ability to create / destroy spawn points. Setting traps is also a nice touch. Also, while insignificant to most, the music / broadcasts are something I enjoy. Gives the game a little more ambience.

I've never played the Desert Combat mod... so I really can't speak to the similarities / differences between the two. Was never really interested in it as I bought BF 1942 to fight in WWII, not in Desert Storm. :tongue:

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