So I have an asrock motherboard and it’s been having boot issues, sometimes with a blue and green ribbon at the top and other times the small grey bar will just blink forever. It would boot up on occasion but would not beep. I finally got beep codes but it’s doing a similar thing. At first it was 1 beep which I took as the memory was in the wrong place, so I seated it from a2 b2 to a1a2, this didn’t let it boot and gave me five beeps. I moved the ram to a1 b1 and now it’ll give the 5 beeps before booting and running. The parts are all new and I made sure to seat things properly (ram was outlier). Is there something I’m missing? 5 beeps says processing, I have a ryzen 5 2000 series. I can give more info if needed but not sure if I’m missing something basic.