I had this discussion a while ago with the THG staff. I think the idea is to be representative since they can't just show performance in every game. personally i think 3 titles is a questionable metric, but my suggested fix probably would have been even more a lopsided win for intel... as i was suggesting they make the games more representative to the "average" game.
My main objection was to the fact 1 of the titles use x87 code, which is really only used in like 4 games... that said the staff had an excellent counterpoint, which is 2 of those 4 games are top 5 selling titles for the last 3 years. There is no argument against this.
I think the only part of my argument they took to heart and promised to discuss was swapping out the "almost" fully threaded Far Cry 3 (its mostly designed to run on 4 cores; it will use more, but it won't use them much, as most of it's processes will be dedicated to the first 3 or so cores) for a completely and truly fully threaded title like BF4 or Crysis3 which will give people a little more idea of what to expect from next gen console imports.
for now if you want to know what to expect from MOAR CORZ! you can look at the FC3 results... they aren't great but they'll show you a more representative result then the other two titles will...