I actually performed the tests and results are as reported. I've tested FX vs Sandy and Ivy bridge since they were introduced. I have never seen the 8350 outperform the i5-3570K in games.
[EDIT: I should mention that our own Crysis 3 performance article is coming out in the near future and, indeed, it's one of the very few games where the FX-8350 produces similar average frame rates compared to the i5-3570K.
**HOWEVER**, the minimum frame rates are very different (something Tek Syndicate doesn't publish), with Intel having a significant lead while the FX gets pulled down to stuttering. Furthermore, this is one of the only games I've ever seen where the Core i7 has a significant advantage over the Core i5. Crysis 3 is not your typical game, and I don't expect other titles to reflect this state of affairs on average for a few years, if ever.
As for Far Cry 3, our own bench results showed that the FX-8350 performed very close to the i5-3550, which has virtually the same clocks as the 3570K at stock.
To summarize, Tek Syndicate has used the two games most favorable to the FX series in this particular article. The irony is, their results don't stray far from our own in those two games, which are statistical outliers. The difference is, we tested more games than they did, they were only looking at Crysis 3 and Far Cry 3.
After performing even cursory fact checking, your suggestion of impropriety appears even more ludicrous. /EDIT]