Hi my girlfriends brother is looking for a gaming pc that will be used to play games such as fortnite and apex legends etc.. and I offered to help him as he had no clue into gaming PCs. He also wants to use it for school work and stuff like that
Would there be any prebuilt, pretty powerful systems that live up to high quality gaming for around £500-£600 within the UK?
I would prefer to get him a prebuilt system as he is a bit unsure of me building it for him but if not and there can be a powerful performance for money difference between a prebuilt and buying parts then I would be able to build one. So would prefer a prebuilt customer pc but also can build one if there is a much better system that can be bought for this price range
Would there be any prebuilt, pretty powerful systems that live up to high quality gaming for around £500-£600 within the UK?
I would prefer to get him a prebuilt system as he is a bit unsure of me building it for him but if not and there can be a powerful performance for money difference between a prebuilt and buying parts then I would be able to build one. So would prefer a prebuilt customer pc but also can build one if there is a much better system that can be bought for this price range