Best GPU for day-2-day use?

well in your link it shows you have a 8600gts, that would be fine for day to day use, especially since you have a pentium 4. Seeing as you want to use photshop I would think a better cpu would be a better investment, but then again I'm assuming you arent doing porfessional work.

a 8600gts is actually alot better then 7600gt (prob like 4-5 times better) and is an equivalent to a 9500gt if I'm not mistaken. But if you have your mind set on a graphic card upgrade I would go with a...
Thanks for the reply, but its not for me. It's for a PC I'm building someone with a E2180. It just has to meet its day-2-day demands. HD videos etc.

8600GT isn't that much better than a 7600GT. It is nowhere near 400-500% better, more like 20% better at best.

Seriously where are you getting your facts? Please don't spread misinformation.

A 4670 is not better than a 9600GT. It definitely is not equal to an 8800GT will wipe the floor with a 4670.

8800GT > 9600GT
9600GT > 4670
4670 is equal to a 9600GSO
^^ Jesus christ... Lol you guys are insane, 8800GT's are like Gaming cards. It just needs to serve a very basic cause, and thats basic computer useage. (And MAYBE a tab of Sims 3.)

8600GTS not gt, big difference. A 8600gts is better then a 7950gx2 by a long shot...

Lol are you kidding me its actually EQUAL to a 9600gt in most games that are nvidia biased

Just buy a 4670 it's very very cheap (60 bucks) off newegg and performs with yester-years mid-high end graphic cards. It'll play sims 3 it max without breakin the wallet and will serve ample ammount for everyday use.
9400GT is more than fast enough for no gaming.

That said if you're playing the sims 3, then get a 4650, it's still dirt cheap and has basic gaming capability

Your earlier statement claimed the 4670 is better than the 9600GT and equal to the 8800GT. Now you're saying the 4670 is equal to the 9600GT.
Either way, both statements are incorrect.

9600GT defeats the 4670 in synthetics and the vast majority of gaming benchmarks. The 8800GT will wipe the floor with the 4670 so it's no contest.,2404-7.html

The 9600GT is 1 tier above the 4670, and the 8800GT is 2 tiers above the 4670.,2364-10.html

The 4670 isn't quite as fast as the 9600GT, I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from. The 8800GT consistently beats the 4670 by a significant margin.

It's seriously not hard to google something if you aren't sure. It's better to google than to look like an idiot.

Wouldn't a 4670 require a PSU upgrade?... The current sustem has a 300W generic PSU, so I can't put a load on it. Sorry. I was thinking 9400 or 7600.

you dont need a HD 4650 to run sims and fotoshop. HD 4650 is for moderate gamers in my opinion! just keep your current card and buy a new CPU! Dual core 2.5 Ghz! and maybe 4GB DDR 2 ram if you dont have 4 gbs already.

4550 or 4650, seriously.
A 4670 or a 4650 would not require a PSU upgrade. A 4670 can only draw at most 60 watts and i really doubt anything you will be doing will stress it and your CPU enough for them to draw full low, the 4650 is even lower at a mere 48 watts.

8600gts is better then a 7950x2. Lay off the crack..
For the love of god... is anyone listening!!! The PC is NOT myPC!! Stop reading my sig and pay attention to the question. Jeez. And hells no am I taking out my 8600GTS and given it to the person that needs it, thats my baby :)

The most demanding thing that the GPU will probbally do is play Sims 3. Shes not a PC user at all, but shes enjoyed previous Sims and may want to play the newer one that was all.

So a what is needed again?
Hey just upgrade your CPU to a dual core E5200 and OC it to 3.5GHz and buy a HD 4650 or 9500GT(I recommend ATI for Photoshop and games based on 10.1)
I usually prefer nvidia for quality gaming.