Best laptop to buy



I’m planning to buy a laptop & only have a budget of 500$.
Do you have any recommendations or advice?
I want to be fast pc & have plenty space.
Not going to find many gaming laptops for $500 except some older ones.

You'll need to list out what you plan to use the computer for and how long you plan to use it. $500 may be too low a budget for your goal.
Size and battery life are also necessary. 13", 15" 17" (do you prefer performance/battery or mobility)
Storage capacity: What do you mean by plenty of space? Typical $500 laptops will come with a relatively slow 1TB 2.5" drive.

Sub-$500 laptops are usually effectively obsolete within 2 years of purchase, used and you risk needing a battery replacement sooner rather than later.


Not going to find many gaming laptops for $500 except some older ones.

You'll need to list out what you plan to use the computer for and how long you plan to use it. $500 may be too low a budget for your goal.
Size and battery life are also necessary. 13", 15" 17" (do you prefer performance/battery or mobility)
Storage capacity: What do you mean by plenty of space? Typical $500 laptops will come with a relatively slow 1TB 2.5" drive.

Sub-$500 laptops are usually effectively obsolete within 2 years of purchase, used and you risk needing a battery replacement sooner rather than later.