Question suddenly very low FPS in games <15FPS

Jul 18, 2024
Hi All, I am hoping some whiz here can help me im a little stuck. I have an AMD system AMD 7800x3d with 7900XT GPU. everything was fine until this morning - the PC screen went blank - I had to unplug leave and restart to recover - this happened twice. I removed and reloaded the chipset and GPU drivers - the crashing stopped - the PC SEEMS fine until i start a game and the FPS is terrible (between 3 and 15 FPS even in COD menus).

I have "borrowed" my lads 6800 to see if its the GPU - and it is not (phew).
I have tried the system removing 1 stick of ram at a time to rule out RAM.
I have done a virus check - it did find one - its been removed but fault remains so i don't think it was that.
looking at task manager - CPU appears to be running at frequency and even when game running around 40-50%
RAM is running at about 45%
In GPU diag GPU 0 at 100% but GPU 1 virtually zero (which i think would be expected if its not being pushed)

I am at a loss and wondering if anyone can help
Hey there,

What bios are you running? You can check this with CPU-z.

Did you test the ram, as in, to see if it's faulty? Run mentest86+ outside of windows and see if it throws any errors at you.

Have you changed any power plan? Do you use any 3rd party software to manage the CPU performance?
Jul 18, 2024
Hi Thanks for replying - Im nearly certain the RAM is ok as i tested both sticks independent and its very unlikely that both have gone at exactly the same time.

no changes to power plan etc and no 3rd party software

mobo is asrock PG lightning
bios 3.01.AS01 - AMD AGESA comboAM5PI

using latest recomened chipset and GPU drivers (which were working fine for weeks)