If one lives a life where one needs Tails, I'd worry that mere use of Tails would imply I'm a 'hider' of something...and probably avoid it's use it for that reason...(there are numerous Linux Live CD images out there, and even WIn10PE-based ISOs available...)
If the goal is merely data security, selecting LUKS encryption at installation with any Linux distro is indeed pretty darn simple...although, being prompted for a password right at bootup sort of also implies things are being hidden as well...(hence the potential problematic lack of 'plausible deniability')
If you want something hidden, it can be encrypted (even 7-Zip offers AES256 level encryption, or p7zip for Linux) and stuffed in a cloud account accessible from any browser....
Doing a little experimenting, one can create a hidden (or visible) Veracrypt container in the cloud ( I use a small 128 MB sample container in P-Cloud), and only mount it as a local drive when needed...; if linking security to both a password and a keyfile one can have a simple notepad as a keyfile, where even one or more extra characters added/deleted makes the presence of the apparently innocent note to Aunt Sally or grocery list no longer a valid key file....