Best TV Caputer Card



I'm looking to buy a good TV capture card. One the I can not only use to watch TV, Movies, Cable, etc. but one I can also record with so I can make VCD's. Cost really isn't an issue. Who makes the best Video Capture Card for the price. I dont want to buy the most exspensive card on the market and find another card that cost less gives me better quality video and performance. If you can also point me to a website that sells the card that would be helpful as well.


The quality really does depend on the price. For example, you could get something such as the ATI Radeon AIW board, and while it has good features at a nice price, doesn't always do flawless captures (depends on the rest of your system). If you are really into capture, and even more into editing, you will then want a dedicated video board. There are many of these out there but a couple really stick out. I've read that the Matrox RT2000 is the best video card on the market. There is one from Pinnacle systems that I heard is at the same level of quality. For the powerful boards check out For the lesser boards, such as the ATI AIW, (best gaming/capture card) look at reviews in Tom's Hardware,, and


Pinnacle Miro DC30(+/Pro) or DC50 is a good capturing cards.