Beware of crooks - even those recommended by OEM's

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Dec 2, 2011

I don't typically post on forums. But I think this is an experience that would benefit everyone who play with high-end audio equipment.

I have a Audio Research SP-10 preamp. It had been acting up for a while. One of the channels was coming and going. I called Audio Reseach, they recommended a shop in Culver City, CA to check it out. After sucking my wallet dry ($260) for cleaning the contacts + applying some kind of gold solution to the pins of the vacuum tubes, nothing changed. Called the guy and he told me that it must be something else in thesystem, not the preamp. After more troubleshooting, I was convinced it is the preamp. Tried to call him back and he did not even pick up the phone.

Getting desparate, I looked around in the web and found Mike Zuccaro in Dan Diego. Drived 100 miles there this moring. He figured out in 10 minutes it was corroded and dirty contacts, squirted some deoxit in them, worked them a little, and sent me home. (Note: Mike told me to mail him a check for one hour worth of labor in a week if I like the results. Damn, he does not even know me!). Mike almost choked when I told him the Culver City story.

The result? Man, it's been so long that I forgot how delicious the system sounds. Mike will definitely get a check in the mail + a surprise present.
The Sp-10 is a classic preamp and nothing will ever touch it in musicality.Every penny you put into tho preamp you will rewarded back all the time you listen to it.
It is much more musical than the latest and greatest AR preamps out there believe me. Keep it a long time and never ever sell it.

Report the repair shop in Culver to the California BEAR, file a complaint and demand a full refund. Also file a complaint w/ BBB and demand a refund. Go Online, and file your complaint with "the ripoff report" Call audio research and tell them not to send customers to Culver City. File all three complaints NOW! And do not take "no" for an answer.
Make a lot of noise, complain loud, complain long, and don't give up.
People who do the above have a good chance of getting a refund. Not always, but it works frequently. California BEAR can take their license away. GOOD.
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