Not quite. A programmer had reverse-engineered CP/M into his own DOS, pretty much just learning how to make an OS. Gates knew of this person... when IBM knocked on his door looking for an OS to put on their POS off-she-shelf PC. Gates paid about $25,000 (give or take) to that programmer for all rights/code to it.
That how the world got started on the crappiest OS ever used. Yes, by 1985, DOS was substandard to Mac and Amiga systems which had things like "Long file names with upper and lower case". Having to use DOS/Win3.1 from 1993~1996 was painful.
MS also destroyed development... but as you say, by creating a "Standard", it might have been for the best... in some ways. MS has screwed up the browser standard with the junk called IE.
No, Gates did not start it all. The Apple II and Commodore64 started the desktop business. IBM only came out with the PC because their workstation/Server customers wanted an "IBM" branded PCs. So they threw together junk, licensed the OS from Microsoft, called it "PC-DOS". IBM expected their PC to be a niche thing for their customers - paying $5000~8000 per unit.
But IBM was STUPID and Gates was SMART. When IBM didn't patent/lock down their PC design and given MS the ability to resell their own MS-DOS. It allowed the creation of the CLONES... For which companies like Dell, Compaq, Acer, etc would never have been created.
It it wasn't for the clones. The PC would have died in the corporate world 1990.
We would then have Amigas and Mac wars instead... with Amiga having about 60~70% of the market, the rest to Mac... rather than 95% Windows vs 5% Mac (I'm guesstimating this number)
Gates and MS are far better business-men than technology. They rarely ever invented or brought something original to the market. IE, MS-OFFICE, OS, etc were bought by someone else.
Gates needs to get over his Apple issues, considering that MS still has stock in Apple. What if his kids want a small MP3 player, the size of a Nano but with quality. Whats left of ZUNE? Oh yeah, the iPod touch clone in 3 storage sizes.
There isn't a ZUNE out there that is as small or upto date.. the LAST Zune model was released in 2009. The market share is at-or-below 1%. Guess gates can stock up on Zunes for his employees and family, eh?
His kids, will one day.... have iPods of some sort.
Not quite. A programmer had reverse-engineered CP/M into his own DOS, pretty much just learning how to make an OS. Gates knew of this person... when IBM knocked on his door looking for an OS to put on their POS off-she-shelf PC. Gates paid about $25,000 (give or take) to that programmer for all rights/code to it.
That how the world got started on the crappiest OS ever used. Yes, by 1985, DOS was substandard to Mac and Amiga systems which had things like "Long file names with upper and lower case". Having to use DOS/Win3.1 from 1993~1996 was painful.
MS also destroyed development... but as you say, by creating a "Standard", it might have been for the best... in some ways. MS has screwed up the browser standard with the junk called IE.
No, Gates did not start it all. The Apple II and Commodore64 started the desktop business. IBM only came out with the PC because their workstation/Server customers wanted an "IBM" branded PCs. So they threw together junk, licensed the OS from Microsoft, called it "PC-DOS". IBM expected their PC to be a niche thing for their customers - paying $5000~8000 per unit.
But IBM was STUPID and Gates was SMART. When IBM didn't patent/lock down their PC design and given MS the ability to resell their own MS-DOS. It allowed the creation of the CLONES... For which companies like Dell, Compaq, Acer, etc would never have been created.
It it wasn't for the clones. The PC would have died in the corporate world 1990.
We would then have Amigas and Mac wars instead... with Amiga having about 60~70% of the market, the rest to Mac... rather than 95% Windows vs 5% Mac (I'm guesstimating this number)
Gates and MS are far better business-men than technology. They rarely ever invented or brought something original to the market. IE, MS-OFFICE, OS, etc were bought by someone else.
Gates needs to get over his Apple issues, considering that MS still has stock in Apple. What if his kids want a small MP3 player, the size of a Nano but with quality. Whats left of ZUNE? Oh yeah, the iPod touch clone in 3 storage sizes.
There isn't a ZUNE out there that is as small or upto date.. the LAST Zune model was released in 2009. The market share is at-or-below 1%. Guess gates can stock up on Zunes for his employees and family, eh?
His kids, will one day.... have iPods of some sort.