BitTorrent's Top 10 Movies Pirated Last Week

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Pirates suck. I hate having to pay more for everything because you punks think it's ok to steal. That's right, steal.

I put you all on the same level as the guy who walks in Walmart, cracks open a DVD case and walks out the front door.

Don't give me the whole "If they made good movies for a good price we wouldn't steal". You'd steal crap if it was 25 cents, because you're criminals.

It's wrong, it's illegal, it's imoral and it costs the true consumers more money.

Don't be a pirate. Use Redbox, Netflix or hit up the dollar theater.
[citation][nom]hillarymakesmecry[/nom]Pirates suck. I hate having to pay more for everything because you punks think it's ok to steal. That's right, steal. I put you all on the same level as the guy who walks in Walmart, cracks open a DVD case and walks out the front door.Don't give me the whole "If they made good movies for a good price we wouldn't steal". You'd steal crap if it was 25 cents, because you're criminals.It's wrong, it's illegal, it's imoral and it costs the true consumers more money.Don't be a pirate. Use Redbox, Netflix or hit up the dollar theater.[/citation]

Pirate the movie, if you like it, buy the DVD. Plain simple, that's what I do with videogames! Which is good, because I will never make the mistake of paying to play "Iron Man", but I did buy both Bioshocks 😛
I fully support efforts of Hulu and youtube video services, hopefully they will bring more media to them and if they start charging for Hulu or if Youtube starts charging for premium tv stations or movies then i will be paying! but until then.... thank you bit torrent! Thank you al gore for inventing the internet...HA
Think about Avatar, People would pay money to see the movies if they are good, but in most cases, those STUPID MOVIES just rob us. They charged us stealing, can we charge them robbing?
I never go to the cinema. I have a 50 inch screen at home and popcorn that cost 60 cents. Last time went to the cinema was in 2001 or something and I walked out after 20 minutes. Can you believe Roger Ebert gave Tomb Raider three out of four stars?
zombie land is frigging awesome. One of my favorites. Which I will buy. Heres the thing. about the "would steal even if it was .25cents." We are tired of paying exhorbant rates for entertainment. Its pay or play with them. They never adjust thier pricing. Blu ray is still outrageous. I know people who used to pirate music left and right. Itunes and amazon comes out, and they buy it now cause its easier than pirating, and cheap enough they can afford it.
[citation][nom]captaincharisma[/nom]i mean really is saving the 20 bucks to go to the freakin movie worth it just to download a blurry version of the movie. plus if its a comady odds are its going to have a laugh track[/citation]
depends on how many times you go to the theatre. Also 20buck there which is cheap for a theater. Than another 30 for blu ray. yep 50 per movie is to expensive.
I really dont care if people torrent these movies, at the end of the day the best experience for a film is on an huge theatre screen.
I torrent, I torrent huge amounts of stuff, but mainly TV episodes. I used to do films but after a while you realise that nothing can compare to the silver screen.
Proof positive that people prefer to download crappy movies that they wouldn't spend money on if they DID have $12 to throw away.
[citation][nom]ct1615[/nom]people who pirate games and movies are scum bags, plain and simple P.S try to get the toughest guy in prison to be your boyfriend[/citation]

Anyone can do that, just stab him in the kidney a few times, knock his teeth out with the sink's pipe and start skull fucking his toothless bloody mouth while he starts to bleed out.
ROFLMFAO, If I did not pirate "Mass Effect 2" I would have never put my Pre-Order in. I never played 1 or thought much about it because of it being 3rd person. I still play my 1911 copy to get around the cd-check though.

I pirated "Assassin's Creed 1" and Pre-Ordered that as well.

I Pre-Ordered AC2 on amazon
Order Date: December 25, 2009
Order : 103-7036930-6955442.

It is now CANCELED because of the DRM they put on it! Sucks too, I loved AC1 and have replayed it 3 or 4 times now.

90% of my Games, DVDs, and BRDs are in there box not even open! I open the games if i need the online CD-Key. The pirated ver. of Games, DVDs, and BRDs All RUN BETTER then what I get IN-THE-BOX when I pay.

The sad FACT is 90% of people who pirate anything "but never order even if they like it" will NEVER pay for it. So even if DRM stopped them it would NOT make there sales go up much if at all. In fact, I bet the sales they pick up is less then the sales they LOOSE because of DRM. People tend to Cancel there Pre-Orders! Check ANY site selling AC2 "Pre-Orders" and check out the comments for your self !!!

Try this, name 1 game in the last 10 years that was stopped from being pirated by the CD-Check at start up. Can not think of any can ya? Then WHY IN THE HELL IS IT STILL BEING USED? All it does is PUNISH the people who pay for it!

I am tired of being kicked in the nuts WHEN I PAY THEM just because they are mad at SOME ONE ELSE who did not pay!
i believe they should spend all that money they are using for drm and copyright protection on coming up with a better system to allow the purchase of games and entertainment, all they really doing is trying to delay the digital revolution, like who wouldn't want a easy to use system that quick and inexpensive and allows you easy access to tv, movies, games without the digital copy right prevention or any sough of other anti distrubution technology, i think we should stop letting the big corperation that control the media and entertainment industry dictator our laws, they should get with the fact and stop trying to bring people back to before the 1990, unless they get with the time and change their distribution method another 20 or so years they will be out of bussiness and they proable will blame the consumer.
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