Blizzard: Diablo 3 on Console "Makes Sense"

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[citation][nom]christarp[/nom]you're all being stupid. Of course they would try to make a game on the console if it can work on the console (which it does), they're a BUSINESS. I don't see why PC games need "PC Exclusives" why can't the console and pc both have versions? Oh that's right because that's for some reason "bad" PC GAMER MASTER RACE right?If it were me I'd try to develop it for the ipad as well. Diablo could work amazingly well on a tablet. The touch screen makes sense for a game like diablo. Pull your heads out of your asses.[/citation]
You get my thumbs up.
Nice to see that all the hating kids going nuts again cause blizzard makes a statement ..... and its not even an new one sorry .... And yeah pretty much everybody in here are from the blizzard forums that easy to see :) Nothing positive and well thoughts things.....

OHH that why the graf suck: people saying that are retard that havent even played the beta ..... you were to stupi to make up you own mind but did just deside to spoke out some random d3 hating BS...

And there are NO fucking problem with D3 ending up being able to plan on consols or with a controller ....

NONE 90% of you assholes just kisses ass an did even took a sec you THINK FOR YOURSELF ....

This have NOTHING to do with Activision retards ... and stop useing the lame comment dumb kis

Just because you are some spoiled 10 year old kid is doesn't mean that you're not to be reading up on stuff before throwing out comments.

Back to Topic .... Activision have nothing to do with it..... Its old news that everybody that reads stuff about blizzard would know.

If you dont wanna play it on Console Dont fucking do it then. CHRIST Spoiled shithead kids again

Im just happy about it. then they will be making controller support for the PC version. So we'll be able to chill d3 in our couch, and that is f-ing awesome :)

IN GENERAL: if you know shit about a topic then go read on the stuff before throwing out all your BS ....

DO not be a fucking hater sheep from blizzard forums

Hell. prob 85% of the d3 hater havent even tryed the d1 and d2... you know SHIT
AHHHHHHH Im so pissed and so tired of all you d3 hater troll kids

Why oh why, are these people allowed to have internet when its obvious that the internet is not for you !
I'm entertained by the haters claiming D3 is dumbed down versus the prior two games. Especially as they use the beta as the means to claim this. Clearly you forget that D2's beta was Cold Plains, Den of Evil and the Barbarian to about level 12. Boring within several playthroughs overall - D3 beta is by far way more robust and considering it's barely 1/3 of Act 1, how can you judge the complete game via that? If I judge the game the same way you are, D2 should have been awful considering it's laughable beta.

And not gritty? Are we playing the same game? The one where I find people being gnawed on by zombies, screaming for help. Zombies popping up from the ground, being ripped apart and STILL crawling after me with their spines hanging out. The rooms down in the Cathedral with milita-men spiked into the walls, their heads ripped off, etc. Den of Fallen with massive pulpy flesh-bat hives pulsing and spitting out new bats... Please, not gritty. D2's only true grit was the Durance of Hate. D1 had far more grit then D2 and so far, the atmosphere of D3 reminds me way more of D1 then D2.

As for dumbing down, considering the D2 system resulted in stagnation of builds since just about every class followed a "min-max" path of stat allocation combined with skill placement, I find the notion of dumbed down to be utterly misplaced. It seems to be fun to hate on a game for the sake of hating on it and pretending the games of past like D2 were flawless and masterpiece marvels. I played D1 and D2 for 7+ years - I love both of those games, but D3 will supersede them and rightly so. It's typical Blizzard excellence in a much shinier package and while there are things I certainly feel Blizz will need to address AND re-consider [lack of weapon swap, ease of skill swapping, etc] having played it at 3 Blizzcons and in Beta for months now, the game cannot land soon enough.

I respect the right of any mature individual to say "I have my personal grief with it and this is why and I won't buy it" - more power to them. But people needlessly hating on it with false reasons and pretending they are sticking it to the man are just frankly, laughable. You enjoy not playing it [though some of you will probably buy it anyway and love it while reversing your tune] while I have fun playing Diablo 3 and having a blast :)
I'm in the D3 beta, it's looking good, but consoles for this game?

I see issues with blisters, wrecked marriages, and pulled finger muscles, and such trying to play for hours, and the current console hardware is rather lacking in power being what 4+ years old now?

Christ almighty, what a mess!

My 2 cents:

1. Let them bring D3 out for console. Blizzard is a business, businesses exist to make money. Just get on with playing it on PC. You won't lose any sleep knowing that little 8 year old Johnny next door is also playing it on his 360. Be happy that it's a nice change that it'll be a PC game ported to console for once, so they get the raw end of the deal in terms of polish.

2. I don't think the graphics will be great, but it doesn't bother me. If I get a better graphics D2 (which I still play, albeit at 800x600 on my 22" LCD) with balancing improvements to the Barbarian, and a few other little niceties here and there, then I'll be a happy camper.

What's interesting to think about is - according to Wiki D3 started it's development in 2001 and was officially announced in 2008. So we have a span of 11 years of hardware improvements and innovation that the game was made over. Even if the engine and the graphical side of things was started in '08, that's still getting a little long in the tooth. Again, the graphics don't bother me as I never hold my breath about things like this when the dev cycle is that long (please don't mention Duke Nukem Forever, that's one instance of potential deja vu not worth bringing up!)
I hold high faith that the game itself will be great though, regardless of how long it took. I havn't played the beta, so will just have to wait until May. Can't wait!
Haha I love it. Whenever I need to feel better about myself I can just come to Tom's Hardware and look for a blizzard related post. So many douchebags on here trying to sound cool and edgy by spouting random ignorance. If you don't like the game don't play it. Its really that simple. But at the end of the day Blizzard has done more for the PC gaming community than most.
true, platform specific games dont make better games, but it sure seems like most games are console specific.
If its a great game it will do well no matter what platform.
Baulders Gate is a better same anyway in my opinion :)
It's so laughable when PC trolls defend their holy grails of PC gaming from the evil consoles. Grow up already, nobody cares, they want to make money as much as the next guy. So what if it gets ported to wherever? Did Diablo 1 become so much worse for being ported to the original Playstation?

It changes absolutely nothing for the already finished product (D3), and it should be clear from the interview that you are commenting on. You can still spend $1000 per year to keep you PCs up to date, and console people can be happy with spending $300 on hardware once every 5 years.

Please go cry about it somewhere else.
[citation][nom]itmikeyo[/nom]It's so laughable when PC trolls defend their holy grails of PC gaming from the evil consoles. Grow up already, nobody cares, they want to make money as much as the next guy. So what if it gets ported to wherever? Did Diablo 1 become so much worse for being ported to the original Playstation?It changes absolutely nothing for the already finished product (D3), and it should be clear from the interview that you are commenting on. You can still spend $1000 per year to keep you PCs up to date, and console people can be happy with spending $300 on hardware once every 5 years.Please go cry about it somewhere else.[/citation]

I find it even funnier when consolers try to defend their old hardware backed by about 14 years old arguments like the Diablo one up there. Cheers - As for history - Back then the consoles were much closer to the PC hardware and the developers aimed for quality over quantity but the rise of 3d gfx changed all that.

Games became more expensive to make and the price tag on the hardware went up. Ending up where the cost to make true AAA titles that takes advantage of most platforms and scale well over them all is astronomical. From a business standpoint it is always good to provide less for more and that is exactly what the companies do when it comes to consoles. The price of the games is higher and it’s played at generally lower quality. Over the years I rather spent that difference into upgrading the hardware and enjoy the games at better quality for the same money but now most games are poor quality from start and are mostly held back due to the consoles. One quality fits them all seem to be the developers main goals and this seems to be another confirmation of that.
I love PC gaming and I want Blizzard to focus on it without a doubt.

However, from the standpoint of "could it work well on a console?" the answer is definitely. This isn't Starcraft 64 we're talking about here. Diablo clones (BG Dark Alliance etc.) have been completely fun and successful on consoles in the past so there's no reason to think it couldn't work. Heck, they even ported Diablo onto the PS back in 1998.

Blizz has always had some console roots and has always flirted with the console market. I can't say that I love it, but as long as they keep the bulk of their focus on PC games it's nothing new and it's not very concerning.
I don't see what the big issue is with D3 going to a console. D3 wasn't created for the console first and the PC can certainly push its graphics limits. Starcraft II may be playable on low-end systems, but when you turn up those settings and have hundreds of units on the screen, you can see just how taxing the game can really be.

Now, D3 on the console isn't a bad idea. I'm curious as to how it would work out since D3 requires Battle.Net. As a result, Blizzard would have to work with Sony,Nintendo, and (worst of all) Microsoft, to get things to work the way they want it too on the console.

I'm not against cross-platform games because this is the new norm. I'm against setting the "high bar" to the maximum capabilities of a console (ie, designing for the console before the pc).
Anyone who has played beta or seen a video of beta will notice its incredibly obvious this game is a console port
I don't care what they port it to, as long as my PC version is ready and done with by the 15th of May, I am happy with graphics and game play so far in Beta.
I know I'm going to get on the crap end of the stick, but I honestly would take a thumb stick over clicking over and over and over...
another reason not to buy diablo3, console gamers suck at everything, my only wish and prayers is that some game comes along that smokes their poor pitiful consoles graphics chip into ash just for trying to load a game designed for the pc.
kids in high school can design games that run on consoles, i want a game that kicks my arse and looks just like a movie but with no road way on how to get from beginning to end except to throw out some in game tools & to kick into high gear and destroy everything insight!
Go gamepad support on the PC! FINALLY! Diablow has always been a gauntlet clone anyways. I might actually play it now that I can use a proper controller with it. This is coming from a hardcore PC gamer believe it or not.
[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]lets talk diablo exclusively here, shooters... i have no love for them at all but aimbots (thats what they are) in the console versions doesn't bug me, and usually they are taken out for the pc or have an option. now diablo exclusively works better on a console than on a pc. you ever play the everquest diablo style games on the ps2? i would honestly rather play with those controls on the pc than with a mouse and keyboard, this style of game works far better with a controller. o await, wait, did i already get your down vote for suggesting that a controller is better than keyboard and mouse... ooo that sucks i thought my next comment would be the one to get it. from what i see, they aren't making the game a cartoon, what are people complaining about the art style for... are tehy really complaining that it isnt an icometric game like the first two... or is it that the game doesn't look like a modern shades of gray and brown realism that makes you not like the game? these characters i want to bet used up less than 10000 pixles of screen space, and were pre rendered, same with the enviorments. the realism is an illusion, and i honestly cant see what they are doing as a mistep. they aren't making the characters cartoonish like they did with wow.o you didnt downvote me yet, well here is the last thing that allways puts me -4 in an hour. what do you people want, a company like blizard to make a game that only the people stupid enough to spend 2 grand on gpus alone could boot up? do you really want diablo 3 to be unplayable at launch? from the videos i have seen, game looks great.oh oh oh... one last thingBLIZZARD DOESN'T ANSWER TO ACTIVISION, THEY ANSWER TO VIVIENDI, PART OF THE ACQUISITION DEAL WAS SPECIFICALLY ACTIVISION CANT TOUCH THEM.and cue the 15 minutes till this gets enough - votes to hide it.[/citation]

hey console hack, you are the exact reason why every game is not at the cutting edge, no multi core processing no 7680x1920 screen sizes with out avatar quality.
everything is stuck at 1080p because that is the best your 2001 POS hardware can handle so designers are stuck designing like it's 1999 still!
console people are the very reason there are no more advancements in software, games, and everything else. the dvd format war lead us to being stuck with obsolete blu ray because of you guys, seriously a mini sd card holds the same garbage, not that you'd need the biggest one, i'm pretty sure every single console game made al together would fit on a 8GB mini sd card. but you can't upgrade or add on to a console so your stuck with dvd still, seriously, pc games come on a USB stick now, but consoles can't use them. 27"computer monitors are at 2560 x 1440 but you can't play that so all tv's have no reason to get our of 1080p.
you have no quad core processors so they don't bother making games really f'ing fantastic, instead they design them to 2001 computer animation and game play, you can only play 24 people at a time. that's only what your tiny puny little pos system can handle, god forbid you get into a 3,000 person game like WOW which is by far one of the greatest features of a game is to be able play 24/7 with hundreds of other people and not always running into the same ones time and again and improve so much so fast to the point you can wipe out consoles players 24 at a time because 24 became EASY after you were dealing with 200 all at once and they had another 1,000 they'd call in as back up!
forgot to add, but because console gamers are so stupid they keep buying games for $50-$60 a pop despite it being the worst game on the market forever stuck in the limbo of 2001 television/movie style.
go ahead keep spending money on that decomposing left over and forgotten trash because developers will never advance so long as you keep buying the same old stink S***!
I don't see what the big deal is. The PC version is already made so why not a console version, I would like to play with my console friends from my PC, if it weren't for Microsoft and Sony we would all be playing happily with one another. Blizzard makes great games and they deserve $$$ for them, so a console version will be a good thing, I remember I had Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance for the PS2 and that game was a blast to play with a controller and with a buddy by your side. I'm a PC gamer but I hate fanboys who doesn't have any real sense of how the world works.
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