[citation][nom]alidan[/nom]lets talk diablo exclusively here, shooters... i have no love for them at all but aimbots (thats what they are) in the console versions doesn't bug me, and usually they are taken out for the pc or have an option. now diablo exclusively works better on a console than on a pc. you ever play the everquest diablo style games on the ps2? i would honestly rather play with those controls on the pc than with a mouse and keyboard, this style of game works far better with a controller. o await, wait, did i already get your down vote for suggesting that a controller is better than keyboard and mouse... ooo that sucks i thought my next comment would be the one to get it. from what i see, they aren't making the game a cartoon, what are people complaining about the art style for... are tehy really complaining that it isnt an icometric game like the first two... or is it that the game doesn't look like a modern shades of gray and brown realism that makes you not like the game? these characters i want to bet used up less than 10000 pixles of screen space, and were pre rendered, same with the enviorments. the realism is an illusion, and i honestly cant see what they are doing as a mistep. they aren't making the characters cartoonish like they did with wow.o you didnt downvote me yet, well here is the last thing that allways puts me -4 in an hour. what do you people want, a company like blizard to make a game that only the people stupid enough to spend 2 grand on gpus alone could boot up? do you really want diablo 3 to be unplayable at launch? from the videos i have seen, game looks great.oh oh oh... one last thingBLIZZARD DOESN'T ANSWER TO ACTIVISION, THEY ANSWER TO VIVIENDI, PART OF THE ACQUISITION DEAL WAS SPECIFICALLY ACTIVISION CANT TOUCH THEM.and cue the 15 minutes till this gets enough - votes to hide it.[/citation]
hey console hack, you are the exact reason why every game is not at the cutting edge, no multi core processing no 7680x1920 screen sizes with out avatar quality.
everything is stuck at 1080p because that is the best your 2001 POS hardware can handle so designers are stuck designing like it's 1999 still!
console people are the very reason there are no more advancements in software, games, and everything else. the dvd format war lead us to being stuck with obsolete blu ray because of you guys, seriously a mini sd card holds the same garbage, not that you'd need the biggest one, i'm pretty sure every single console game made al together would fit on a 8GB mini sd card. but you can't upgrade or add on to a console so your stuck with dvd still, seriously, pc games come on a USB stick now, but consoles can't use them. 27"computer monitors are at 2560 x 1440 but you can't play that so all tv's have no reason to get our of 1080p.
you have no quad core processors so they don't bother making games really f'ing fantastic, instead they design them to 2001 computer animation and game play, you can only play 24 people at a time. that's only what your tiny puny little pos system can handle, god forbid you get into a 3,000 person game like WOW which is by far one of the greatest features of a game is to be able play 24/7 with hundreds of other people and not always running into the same ones time and again and improve so much so fast to the point you can wipe out consoles players 24 at a time because 24 became EASY after you were dealing with 200 all at once and they had another 1,000 they'd call in as back up!