Kreth :
OK so in your little world completely re hauling a game (starcraft franchise) is not a large feat ? have you really ******* even watched the two games? Starcraft 1 is in 2D ?!?!?! starcraft 2 is in 3D, just watch the amount of detail in each of the models for starcraft 2, then look at the amount of details in the maps. And do you know how ******* hard it is making a sequel to "THE" most popular strategy game of all times, and it not being a flop? That takes years ! yes Years of research and careful playing around with the game engine, to make the game different but still not goof it up so it will still attract professional gamers to adopt. Btw have you even played diablo 3?, i have, and at first i wasnt sure if i would like it, but i can say i ******* love it, i´ve played the beta on every character to lvl 13 and cleared the beta many times. It's not easy making a game as simple as diablo 3 but oh so complex and deep and fun.
First of all, they didn't "re haul" the game. It's the same system. Same play style. They added nothing note worthy to the mechanics. And the "new 3D graphics" which are sub-par at best compared to other RTS's like Shogun 2 and a few different unit types. The gameplay is almost exactly the same as their first SC over 10 years ago!
Now to get a feel of what I am talking about: Graphics aren't what I'm talking about when I'm talking "innovation". Sure graphics themselves can be "innovative", for example Battlefield 3 looks amazing and it really complements the great gameplay, but I'm talking mostly about
See, a game like Company of Heroes came out with "mechanic innovation" in a RTS. They added new mechanics that drastically changed the way you played the game. It wasn't a SC/CnC clone.
In CoH, units can be overwhelmed and "suppressed" with machine gun fire or mortars, reducing their effectiveness. Terrain like ditches and shrubs could be used as "concealment" to protect against small arms fire damage and Walls could be used as cover to protect against attacks. On top of these features, unit positioning actually effected the battle. 1 tank firing at another face to face would do small damage, while a 2nd tank shooting from the rear would gain bonus damage. If you sent 1 group of troops to engage enemy troops, and had a splinter group of your troops break off and flank the enemy troops you'd do more damage. The game even had destructible environments ffs.
Now, all this was new to RTSes at the time, and really changed the gameplay. It wasn't another Warcraft clone where units just smashed into each other and shooting pewpews at each other. This is the kind of "innovation" i'm talking about. Bringing something NEW to the genre! Not just recycled garbage.
And if CoH's new mechanics weren't enough, it also boasted top of the line DX10 graphics for the time, far better then other RTSes around that time.
These are the kind of devs I admire. People not afraid to think for themselves, bring new stuff to the table, and ALSO make a beutiful game with great graphics to compliment the great gameplay that's fresh and innovative.
Also, I have played D3 beta, and that's why I'm so disappointed with it. It feels, in fact, LESS advanced then D2. A lot of what little mechanics D2 had have been removed, and nothing fresh or innovative has been put in it's place, except a SUB PAR GRAPHIC UPGRADE!
Hey, I can't hate people for liking what they like. If you love to play blizzard games for hours on end and it makes you happy, then go for it! Power to you brother.
But don't expect any of the serious PC gaming community to praise it as some sort of "good" title.
f-14 :
hey console hack, you are the exact reason why every game is not at the cutting edge, no multi core processing no 7680x1920 screen sizes with out avatar quality.
everything is stuck at 1080p because that is the best your 2001 POS hardware can handle so designers are stuck designing like it's 1999 still!
console people are the very reason there are no more advancements in software, games, and everything else. the dvd format war lead us to being stuck with obsolete blu ray because of you guys, seriously a mini sd card holds the same garbage, not that you'd need the biggest one, i'm pretty sure every single console game made al together would fit on a 8GB mini sd card. but you can't upgrade or add on to a console so your stuck with dvd still, seriously, pc games come on a USB stick now, but consoles can't use them. 27"computer monitors are at 2560 x 1440 but you can't play that so all tv's have no reason to get our of 1080p.
you have no quad core processors so they don't bother making games really f'ing fantastic, instead they design them to 2001 computer animation and game play!
Great post. My thoughts exactly on graphics. Consoles really do bring down the PC games in terms of graphics.
I tend to look more at the gameplay first though, but graphics shouldn't be some sort of afterthought. They are important as well.
But that's why I hate blizzard. Simplistic, archaic gameplay mechanics and graphics that blow. What a waste of $60.