Blizzard Responds to Diablo 3 "Online" Complaints

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[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]The more that publishers/developers try to justify this model, the more I disagree with it. But of all the excuses offered by Blizzard, the more it seems that the only single reason for doing this is to curb "piracy" (I hate the term, but I'll use it for conventional reasons).[/citation]

Nope that isn't even what they are attempting -- they know that they will never stop or deter pirating of the game (those that are going to pirate a copy and never buy it are not going to be stopped - look at Skyrim and most other releases that require a constant connection - it was as usual available on the torrent sites within a couple hours of the first time zone release (Australia) and almost a full day before the US release the pirates were enjoying the game DRM and internet connection free while purchasers of the game sat waiting for the official release time so they could activate their purchase and go online to get STEAM and it's overloaded servers to deny them access with their Sorry game is currently not available errors !!

In Reality it is all about stopping the resale market for games -- if you have to tie the game to a single user account and it is non transferable every user has to buy a new copy -- those that pirate the game are much less of a loss to the developers than those that would wait and buy a used copy after someone else has stopped playing it
I still don't own the latest starcraft because of lacking a LAN option. Diablo 3 will follow the same path as a do not buy no matter the games quality and reviews because I LAN game in groups of 8, off the grid often. That's 8 fewer copies from me.
[citation][nom]bak0n[/nom]I still don't own the latest starcraft because of lacking a LAN option. Diablo 3 will follow the same path as a do not buy no matter the games quality and reviews because I LAN game in groups of 8, off the grid often. That's 8 fewer copies from me.[/citation]

just like with wow, you will probably be able to host your own diablo3 server. might have to edit some files .
Wow!! I was excited to play this game, but online only means I can't. Great move blizzard!
"You're guaranteeing that there are no hacks, no dupes," but little timmy can buy his whole set of armor with his dad's CC...Please...Gaming companys these days are just being greedy.
Diablo 3 **MUST** be "online" in order for Titan to work.
Titan is their 'mash-up' MMO to allow all Bliz-game characters to interact with each other (and buy schwag through 'micro-transactions' with real cash).
haha, y'all trying to make sure blizz won't sell a lot just because you aint got high speed internet.
believe me, blizz will still sell millions of Diablo3 copies and probably will make even more millions by making sure we pay for the connection to their server, where YOUR purchased game's character is stored.

It's devilish i know,... hey what does Diablo mean anyway?
My freedom is gone. Now i will rely on things like never before in sigle player game. First is Blizards servers and second is my ISP provider. I can tell you one thing, there is nothing in this world like 100% online server, and nothing like 100% online ISP. wtf... srsly bliz ?

I wish for everyone who is with blizard for online gaming to buy the game, start the "single player" and wait in queue for 8 hours because the servers are busy ! All you see is piracy piracy.... open your eyes !
why don't they just put in an option where if you play SP offline, you get a warning that your character can't be used for online play? I am not going to play online so I don't care if it doesn't get transferred to their servers.
All your justifications for "online only play" sound ok if you live in a major city with broadband everywhere, but my internet connection is unstable at best & unusable at worst. I wont pay 60.00 for a game that is not always available - especially when you consider I usually only play games when the internet is down. I've had it! Where can I get the first Diablo that will work on a Windows 7 system? At least I had fun without an internet requirement!
I will play both versions DRM and no DRM. If I pay for a game I have a right to play it offline no matter if its a modified version or not.
you guys are all stupid why should the paying players who pay for the online experience offer a way for others to hack and dupe and xfer their hacks and dupes online... Its stupid. Security should be number 1 and I praise Blizzard for making security number 1, even if it means losing a few ignorant single players.
I was looking forward to the single player campaign in offline mode, just like StarCraft 2, but those hopes were shattered. Diablo 3 isn't even out yet & already 2 strikes against it. No offline play & no general chat channels. Not only are you forced to play online,, but once your online, there's no general population to talk to in game. Only a friends list. one more strike & your out. One more strike & I'm not buying this game at all.
"We can provide a much a much more stable, connected, safer experience than we could if we let people play off-line." ... "When you look at everything you get by having that persistent connection on the servers, you cannot ignore the power and the draw of that."

I DO NOT WANT A STABLE CONNECTED EXPERIENCE. I DO NOT HAVE A PERSISTENT CONNECTION... I was really looking forward to this game, but Blizzard decided through this that I am not allowed to play it and that my and many other legit buyers' money is not good enough. If you are unhappy with this decision of Blizzard, pls visit ...... and click like.
Just bought the game, had to wait for the server to come up and low and behold.... servers are full so u can't play.... wtf blizzard!!!
Whoever thinks that some users who have PCs are expected to have internet connections is making a generalisation, this is a very real situation in Africa, even down south, where bandwidth is too damned expensive to support a habit of online gaming.

Please do your research before making such comments.
After having played D2 for a long time I awaited for the upcoming D3... just to get a huge disappointment, now I have the game and I cannot play it because I have a internet connection package, anything out of this deal cost about 10 times more, so I just cannot play.
In the previous release of the game or the marketing campaign they didn't make this clear from my point of view naming the possibility of "solo" playing mode, yes it still there bt with the unavoidable internet connection.
I just feel cheated and robbed.
I anywhere I could rate this game I will give it a big 0, and I encourage all the people here to post they thoughts and spread it the most possible. This is clearly corporation benefits against customers rights, straight forwards.
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