Blizzard Responds to Diablo 3 "Online" Complaints

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There shouldn't be any fuss about this in this day and age. Considering, there are so much more to do then gaming when there is no internet connection. Top reason many people complain about this is 1. cheat 2. botting 3. hacking 4. crack 5.scam internet. Seriously, if the complaints is if you have internet, why the fuk would you want to play offline away from battlenet? if you don't have internet, then its understandable to complain but then again, you can do other things since no matter how much you scream, you'll always require an internet connection. tough it up, live with the trend, don't make things harder for yourself.
As a Diablo fan, I plan to buy D3 regardless of the internet requirement but I understand why many are angry. I must ask those of you who do not understand why people are upset to consider other forms of digital entertainment:

What would you think if your Kindle or another e-reader required a constant connection to the Amazon server in order to read a NYT best-selling, digitally exclusive book?

What would you think if a blockbuster blu-ray movie came out, but wouldn’t play unless your BD player was constantly connected to the internet?

How about if you purchased a digital album, but you were required to be connected to the iTunes store through 3G or WiFi on your smart phone or computer to listen to it?

All three of the above examples of digital entertainment have online features (shared highlights & comments for Kindle, BD-Live for blu-ray, and Ping for iTunes) that are add-ons not necessary for everyone to enjoy the medium. The same comments/concerns would certainly come up about portability, connection stability, or server downtime. I personally would despise this type digital control if it spilled over into other forms of digital entertainment.
What would you think if your Kindle or another e-reader required a constant connection to the Amazon server in order to read a NYT best-selling, digitally exclusive book?

What would you think if a blockbuster blu-ray movie came out, but wouldn’t play unless your BD player was constantly connected to the internet?

How about if you purchased a digital album, but you were required to be connected to the iTunes store through 3G or WiFi on your smart phone or computer to listen to it?

FINALLY, someone understands. It's not about Diablo 3 - couldn't care less for this game. It's about digital control spreading everywhere. If we simply accept it, soon they'll require every device to be connected to the Internet. And it's NOT good, even if you have 24/7 Internet connection everywhere you go. It's bad because they're forcing something that we don't need, and many people happily accept without thinking.
If piracy wasn't a factor, why not give us the option? I played D2 on and it was fine. What's next a monthly subscrip? Also, there is a reason why I don't play online games anymore aka WOW. It's because, sorry, I can't stand most people on there. If people want to use the online auction feature and all the new fun stuff, let them sign into the online portion and have at it. I just want to play a nice relaxing game of D3, even if the power goes out. I'll still buy it, but i think it will alienate others from it. I'm not sure if this guy has an MBA, but I do and it doesn't make business sense to force things on them. Catering to them is what makes the money. Make more people happy to bring in more $. Not make almost all people mad and lose customer loyalty over something like this. Seriously.
omg wtf !!! is with this offline crap discussion ,,, i mean who plays ultimate action fighting hack and slash games offline and all alone??? If you dont have high speed or cant afford paying for it ... then dont play. Get yourself a job or just work in game with the money auction house. It should pay off your monthly internet. And if your stuck on low Bandwidth , buy some wireless internet service... it even works with tethering with your phone... there's plenty of solutions if you really want to play... and one last comment .. who played D2 offline anyway?? i mean the game wasn't by far any way even near as good when playing single player compared to online... jeez..
I live in a remote area in Australia & love gaming. This effectively means that to game at all costs me a fortune as i am charged in the top bracket for a wireless internet connection (as no other connection is available)& on those days that the connection is intermittent (1 in 3) then i have no gaming available at all as the con drops out & boots me from my game. Therefor I have stopped buying any games that require me to be always online. I have waited years for DIII but Blizzards arrogant stance is in itself the slap in the face that gamers will not tollerate. DIII was the last chance for Blizzard for this gamer & they have lost me forever now RIP DIABLO!
Listen, this doesn't affect me in the slightest, I have other games to play during offlines bits, but their reasoning doesn't make a whole lot of sense. They want you to always be online so that you don't have to start over for multiplayer when done with single? That makes no sense at all seeing as you can play by yourself on in DII. You just start a solo lobby. Sure you had to start over, but usually single player was your first character and you had screwed up all the stat points anyways.

Do I agree with them about the digital age issue, yea, a bit. I don't sympathize with those who won't be able to play on a laptop while flying around the country. That's why games like Plants vs. Zombies were created.

Now, if it is for DRM, does it make me mad? NO. It's their product, they should get paid. Now will it stop people from finding a way around? Prolly not. I don't want to see one single hack or dupe on the game though, that's for sure.
"We thought about this quite a bit," said executive producer Rob Pardo earlier this week. "One of the things that we felt was really import was that if you did play offline, if we allowed for that experience, you’d start a character, you’d get him all the way to level 20 or level 30 or level 40 or what have you, and then at that point you might decide to want to venture onto But you’d have to start a character from scratch, because there’d be no way for us to guarantee no cheats were involved, if we let you play on the client and then take that character online."

the thing he thought of quite a bit is this lame excuse. it is like saying that the players are too stupid to decide for themselves so we will do that for them. so what if we play everything all over again. how many games have we play over and over. or, is he claiming that DB3 is not worth playing more than one time?
It is all about dealing with piracy, you know it we know it, so just say it. Please dont try to come up with some made up excuses, it just makes you sound ridicule.
i'll be buying this game, for the sake of playing the game. but that doesn't mean i agree with the developers making Diablo 3 in need of a constant internet connection. If Blizzard thinks they can make more money out of this in the long run, they're not.

in terms of widening D1/D2's old fanbase and market by recruiting a bigger new generation of young gamers, they made it exclusive. What they did was hacked the right hand with the left. They're actually limiting the profit they can earn even with the new cool features the game has to offer. i might be wrong, but the probability of blizzard putting its own product at risk is higher than having it secured. More like they're just going to recycle the fanbase and add it up with a certain percentage of WoW gamers.

while its true that the internet connection requirement can minimize the cheating, that doesn't mean it can totally prevent it. While it can hold out against smaller fishes trying to grab a bite, Blizzard just made itself raw meat and threw itself in an ocean of sharks. Give it time and expect an offline version weeks or months after the game's out in shelves. Prepare to throw your unholy tantrums when something happens to your server or D3 online account. That'll make more problems for Blizzard and that would certainly limit their Profit margin.Risks are always there, but there's always an easier way to maximize their profit while creating lesser risks. Certainly not by making a bigger one that bites back at the end.

Its also true that while internet connection can enhance game performance, it certainly can also do the opposite.
Mentally retarded excuse: "if we allowed for that experience, you’d start a character, you’d get him all the way to level 20 or level 30 or level 40 or what have you, and then at that point you might decide to want to venture onto But you’d have to start a character from scratch"

Oh no, start a new character?? That must be terrible! And this was such a big problem in Diablo 2; thank goodness they're taking away that ability.

The D3 developers are full of stupid decisions. From the art direction, to WOW-like equipment styling, WOW-like inventory, health orbs, and now this ridiculous online-only thing.

You know what else is ridiculous? Diablo 2 still sells for $30 on store shelves, and Blizzard won't even give it minimal software support. Like stopping the spam bots that run rampant on Battle Net and ruin multiplayer.

Congratulations Blizzard: I love your games...Played Diablo for months on end, days at a time, loved it so much I couldn't wait for the second and the expansion to that. I've been waiting for years hungrily devouring every piece of news regarding D3. But guess what? I decided I can live without you and this requirement. So now I can save the cost of a game and the cost of a monthly fee. I used to play Warcraft and Warcraft 2. Guess what? I've never played WoW because I hate being gouged on a monthly basis. KMA greedy bastards.
I think what we are all forgetting here is that the always online requirement is only a small part of what they've done to make this game terrible.

Originally they stated that D3 would include new ways to customize your character. These customizing features were ORIGINALLY attributes, skills, runes, traits.
Now you don't choose your attributes, you only pick skills (you don't level them up at all), rune effects are now random, and you can only have one trait at a time... EVERY high level character is now going to be exactly the same.

Without being able to customize your character you could still count on random loot drops to provide variety right? Nope. Now, due to the REAL MONEY, auction house you will have to pay for the same top gear everyone is running around with to just be relivant in terms of power and not completly gimped in comparison to everyone else online. And of course Blizzard will be collecting a fee from each transaction. You remember when they used to ban people for selling in game items for real money? Well now its a nessesity to play the game.

I'm not trying to sound condisending but the "cloud" has exsisted for about as long as computers have exsisted. All the "cloud" is is a server where you store files. Recently a company came up with this new buzzword to sell a service. It's like if a company that sells cars suddenly started calling them "sporty speed wagons." Its the same thing just a different name. In fact people were using servers (the same thing as a cloud) before the world wide web exsisted.
I'm not trying to sound condisending but the "cloud" has exsisted for about as long as computers have exsisted. All the "cloud" is is a server where you store files. Recently a company came up with this new buzzword to sell a service. It's like if a company that sells cars suddenly started calling them "sporty speed wagons." Its the same thing just a different name. In fact people were using servers (the same thing as a cloud) before the world wide web exsisted.

Sure. Just they didn't try to convince us that it's a good idea to store our data and run our heavyweight programs there. Now they do, so I'm pissed off.
Exactly. Its f**king retarded. They're trying to sell something people don't need. The real scary thing about sever side storage and calculation is you no longer have direct access or control of your own information. Obviously, thats extreamly dangerous. If company A has my personal information stored for a monthly fee ANYTHING could happen to it. They could go bankrupt and I could never see it again or they could decide to sell it to someone else. Even if they are a "trustworthy" company I don't know how safe they're keeping it because I cannot see the security systems they have in place.

Going back to the article, I really do think that Blizzard's decisions will hurt their sales in the long run by devaluing their brand. It would be like if BMW started selling terrible cars. At first people would continue buying them just because they are BMWs. However, after awhile people would stop buying BMWs and they wouldn't be worth anything because they would be known as terrible cars. Blizzard used to be known as one of the best game developers in the world, but lately their hardcore fanbase has slowly started hating them. Mainly, because of the fact that they shipped SC2 with only a THIRD of the campaign (among other terrible things). I don't know if people will continue to mindlessly support their greed, but I wont so whatever.

It's a shame because they were my favorite developer, but its all good. Bethesda is making a SICK game thats coming out soon.
^ I, for one, hated them for stripping LAN support from that game. They lost 3 customers that day: me and two friends of mine who loved WC3 LAN parties...

Let's hope Skyrim is as good as they claim... I loved Morrowind and hated Oblivion, so I hope Skyrim makes up for TES4. And if not, there's always Mass Effect 3, which is ought to eclipse ALL.
Ya. I don't mind some flaws in games. Personally, I've always found that video game development is extreamly difficult compared to writing other forms of software. It just pisses me off when a developer blatenly screws over their fans like this. I would rather see a game ship with bugs then game breaking, piss poor design and gimped to hell intentionally. It wouldn't surprise me if the started charging $15 for every class you want to play.

I haven't played any Mass Effect yet. I've heard from a bunch of people that its awesome. I loved bioware's Dragon Age. That game was pretty fun considering that it was relatively linear.
I haven't played any Mass Effect yet. I've heard from a bunch of people that its awesome. I loved bioware's Dragon Age. That game was pretty fun considering that it was relatively linear.

WHAT? Then what the hell are you waiting for? 😀 Grab ME1 for the starters and join us!

Dragon Age: Origins was linear? Wow. I still didn't finish DAO because I can't make myself sort through all the quests and decisions, though the game rocks... Must warn you, MEs are MUCH more "linear", but it's easily my favorite game series. It's just... GO GET IT!!! xD
I didn't mean linear in the way that it sounded. Its a very deep game with options that go farther then most games to date. I just ment that it's not a free roaming open world, in the way that the elder scrolls games are. I'm going to be preoccupied for a while, but I'll be checking out ME3 when I get a chance.
I didn't mean linear in the way that it sounded. Its a very deep game with options that go farther then most games to date. I just ment that it's not a free roaming open world, in the way that the elder scrolls games are. I'm going to be preoccupied for a while, but I'll be checking out ME3 when I get a chance.

Oh, like that. Well, every game differs :) I loved Morrowind, didn't like Oblivion, but I liked the free roam in both gaames. DA was different in the sense that you still had free roam between locations, but not open terrain like in TES games. It's good in its own sense: you can concentrate on assignments instead of being distracted, like in Morrowind. Not saying it's bad... Bethesda said that Skyrim will concentrate on making you as distracted as possible while you're travelling, lol, and I'm really looking forward to it. DA was just different.

But you HAVE to play ME. Do NOT start with ME3. The great thing about Mass Effects is that you transfer your character from one game to another, FULLY. And if you start with ME3, you'll miss out on a lot of decisions taken in ME1/2 as well as the great games themselves, and of course you won't understand half the story... although it'll still be a great game. Start with ME1!
Why not just give the player the option in game!? It's not that hard. Let them create an offline character that can't be used in multiplayer. So when a player plays the single player campaign they get to choose an online character or an offline character (can't be used on

The solution is so simple and everyone is happy!

Starcraft II lets you play the campaign in offline mode.

Don't decide for the players , let the players choose for themselves!!
Your arguing with your FANS ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT. It doesn't matter what YOU THINK or how YOU feel about the descision mr. VP of who gives a fuck...but whether or not your FANS will take to the idea...maybe this is why you have been promising D3 for over 5 years and still havn't delieverd....bunch of god damn capitalists who care NOTHING about what the gamers want...have fun botching up a could have been AWSOME game...I'm buying skyrim.
Me and Blizzard

Blizzard: We are announcing Diablo 3!
Me: 😀 YAY
Blizzard: We have changed the color scheme from dark ambiance to bright!
Me: No worries I can take abit of change. :)
Blizzard: There will be no LAN.
Me: Uhh sure I can take it, I don't really LAN anyways...? :/

A few months after...
Blizzard: Hey it's Beta time~!
Me: YAY 😀
Blizzard: Guess what--
Me: What?

Rest in peace Diablo franchise I don't know who this Diablo 3 is but he definitely isn't anything like you. Oh and Blizzard you have just lost a long time fan and a paying customer. Torchlight 2 where are you? I'll even buy 5 copies of you.
I was really excited about this game coming out until I read the constant online thing. Kills it for me. I've never played Battle Net, and never wanted to play online. If they make it a requirement, I'm not buying it. Will wait for the next Lara Croft or some such thing.
For the record, though, it's a real disappointment. I really wanted to play this game.
in D2 you either play offline or build your character online there was no transfer no pirating issues. Hackers and mods always find away to beat the system. But if I play offline I don't have to deal with modders or hacker do I? That is main reason I don't play online too many buttheads out there.
Well it seems that the piracy of this game is going to do a lot better "business" than Blizzard. I, for one, am not going to buy this game now. I didn't buy Starcraft 2 either because of this. Well done Blizzard for giving the software pirates a chance to show you how daft your "intelligent" decisions are. Seems you guys are going the way of EA.
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