Blizzard Responds to Diablo 3 "Online" Complaints

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[citation][nom]mobrocket[/nom]i think for gamers its best, because if not people would just hack their character and then get online... dont u/s the fun in cheating but either way it happens[/citation]

They claim its to stop cheating. I think the player should be allowed to CHOOSE if they want to create their singleplayer character as a Multiplayer Ready (requires connection during singleplayer and saved on server) or a pure singleplayer character that don't require an active connection but wont be allowed in a multiplayer game - That would be consumer friendly but i guess its to much to ask as a consumer!
As a member of the military I am often sent to locations that have no internet access or it is very limited. During previous deployments I have enjoyed playing D2 on my laptop. Now that will be made impossible since any internet I can get will not be fast enough to support the game. It is usually hard enough to check email.
[citation][nom]droking[/nom]oh and I def wont be buying this. I am looking forward to TorchLight 2 which was made by people who developed d1/d2. LONG LIVE OLD BLIZZZ[/citation]

Torchlight was alot of fun. I can't wait for 2 also.
I'm sure that given a few days before or after release, good ol' jack sparrow and the gang has somethin' brewin for the offline play.. just like SC2.. 😉
Yes in this day in age connection to the internet is standard. But there are times when your internet is out where you'd want to play an offline game....but much more importantly is when the host is down and you can't play their game. Steam is the perfect example. There have been countless times where I was unable to play a game because Steam was down or acting up. I now avoid Steam games as much as possible. Reliance on some 3rd-party to allow you access to a game you bought is just absurd. No positives can outweigh the negatives there.
The fact is you don't have to buy the game. If you dont like that you have to be connected to the interwebs then don't buy the game, plain and simple. However, most of you complaining will still buy the game because you have been waiting for ever for the sequel to D2. Blizzard has the right to make the game how they want to. As for the rural areas with crappy connections... to bad so sad... they chose to live there, looks like they will be reading a book or milking a cow or something lol. I have no problem staying connected to the internet as my PC does not move, and if the service is down, I guess I will just have to read a book or something. Get over it ladies.
Due to the RMAH I don't think the constant connection concept will ever be removed from D3. What if Joe Blo hacks in a variety of high market items? I believe this is the #1, 100% bulletproof reason why a constant net connection is required. I however don't see anything wrong with SP ONLY feature with LAN. The reason why I don't think this has a chance either is that character data will be stored locally giving the perfect opportunity to analyze/decipher the code that makes that up. This could then be possible used in code injection hacks when on So essentially they don't want any character data to touch the end user's computer. This is just what I speculate. In either case I still can't wait...nearly four years.
Each step taken of anything new from blizzard (IE, on-line authentication only, RealID, wanting to buy Myspace) continues to point towards the notion that their NextMMO (Titan) will be a "Blizzard On-Line", to where all of your various Blizzard-games "avatars" can interract in a common world (full of micro-transactions, of course), and can share/equip any "bind on account" items between them for "show"...
So what I'm taking out of this is that if I want to play single player offline then I have to pirate the game. Same thing happened with StarCraft 2.
[citation][nom]robochump[/nom]Thank all the cheaters/Hackers for this decision.[/citation]
As a former WoW player from launce until a few months ago, I assure you, this had NOTHING to do with piracy. This has to do with putting Real ID out there as much as possible as well as propping up the real money auction house.
[citation][nom]ahnilated[/nom]The point is, I shouldn't have to have a internet connection to play single player. If I want to cheat through single player that is MY decision and some company shouldn't tell me what I can do with MY purchased game. The easy way to stop them from requiring a constant connection is to not buy the game. I don't plan on buying it just because they require a constant connection. I am using my lack of purchasing to cast my vote on this issue.[/citation]

By this logic YOU should have the right to fly in any game YOU have purchased.

The developers have a right to create the product and experience that THEY want to. YOU have the right to decide if you want to share in that experience or not. Perhaps I'm just more fortunate than you, but my internet connection is connected 24/7 anyway. I will gladly accept a required internet connection to help insure a more pure experience. If you want a more hacking-friendly experience, there are plenty of games out there for that.

The only people with legitimate complaints are those with limited or no internet connectivity. For those people I am sorry, but you are missing out on a heck of lot more than just a new Diablo game.
Uhh..what if I WANT to cheat in my single player game? Or my friends and I want to pump our characters for a particular late night session over LAN?

Why should we be prevented from doing that if we have no interest in playing Multiplayer with anyone else?

Part of the benefit of PC Games has always been the ability to modify your play experience to match your own needs. Either through Mods, command line cheats, keyboard cheats (IDDQD, IDKFA , remember those?) .

With no difference between Online and Offline, Single and Multiplayer these abilities are being lost and as a PC Gamer I don't like it.
My biggest complaint about this is that they are forcing me to use I have nothing but problems with this concept. I stopped playing WoW and then 5 months later, a friend of mine called me up to ask me if I had started playing WoW again because a character of mine was logged in. I was "hacked." The problem with this theory is I have an incredibly complex password that is only used for I had WoW uninstalled, I have no virus', run Chrome incognito almost 100% of the time and never use that password anywhere else. So for them to say that it was a "hack" is a complete lie. They sold my account info to the gold farmers. What's even worse is I lost access to my SC2 (a game which i played for less than an hour before realizing I wasted 60 bucks) copy because I refuse to deal with their customer service to get my account back.

If it is to prevent piracy they are only fooling themselves, the hacking community will have this thing playable offline in a matter of days after release.
[citation][nom]acroanidd[/nom]My biggest complaint about this is that they are forcing me to use I have nothing but problems with this concept. I stopped playing WoW and then 5 months later, a friend of mine called me up to ask me if I had started playing WoW again because a character of mine was logged in. I was "hacked." The problem with this theory is I have an incredibly complex password that is only used for I had WoW uninstalled, I have no virus', run Chrome incognito almost 100% of the time and never use that password anywhere else. So for them to say that it was a "hack" is a complete lie. They sold my account info to the gold farmers. What's even worse is I lost access to my SC2 (a game which i played for less than an hour before realizing I wasted 60 bucks) copy because I refuse to deal with their customer service to get my account back.If it is to prevent piracy they are only fooling themselves, the hacking community will have this thing playable offline in a matter of days after release.[/citation]

I'm sorry to hear about your Battlenet account, but claiming that Blizzard sold your account info to gold farmers is just ridiculous. It's also unfortunate that you didn't give SC2 more of a chance.

As for hackers getting D3 playable offline, that will definitely not happen in "a matter of days" since they would have to emulate a Blizzard server to make the game playable; similar to getting WoW playable offline.
[citation][nom]griffed88[/nom]This is absolutely ridiculous. Why do they give a rat's ass if I have to create two different characters? Big deal! Let me play offline or on a lan with my friends! I'm in a touring band and I don't have internet on my laptop when we're on the road, was hoping to play offline during the long car rides and waiting around at venues. Guess that is a no sale for me! Torchlight 2 here I come![/citation]

if you are in a band you should be practicing more cant hurt ya know
but i agree about single player i should be able to play completly offline in single player and not be able to bring that toon online
This article is a little past its commenting prime, but the apologist are hilarious; right now, as you read this, people are botting in wow/starcraft, people exploit the arena point system. Having a closed system only protects from casual and developer created hacks.

There are hundreds of current games with online only multiplayer, they all have aimbots/wallhacks/skins/etc; the same type of person that pays 70 dollars for a digital sword will happily pay 50 for a new account after their own gets banned for botting.

This is a cop out excuse for pushing battlenet, trying to tie people to the company socially in an effort to keep consumer dollars from leaving their ecosystem, and moving on to ToR and the like. EA is doing it with origin. Everyone wants to be Steam.

The problem i see with a cash system is that it fosters greed, instead of people happily passing on a legendary item for your class, it will be snatched up the second it hits the ground so they can make another $1.50.

Everyone is looking at this thinking they are gonna get rich playing diablo, when the reality is botting will result in devaluing of items.

Assuming you can turn even one dollar of profit by botting, it would be sheer naivety to view this as anything other than an eventuality.
[citation][nom]icarus550[/nom]I'm sorry to hear about your Battlenet account, but claiming that Blizzard sold your account info to gold farmers is just ridiculous. It's also unfortunate that you didn't give SC2 more of a chance. As for hackers getting D3 playable offline, that will definitely not happen in "a matter of days" since they would have to emulate a Blizzard server to make the game playable; similar to getting WoW playable offline.[/citation]

No it isn't. With WoW there is only one mode: Online. Dibalo 3 already has a single player mode, the only problem is it has to check with the server to load your saved game file, if you can trick it to write and read the save file from your computer and not from blizzards servers, then eureka problem solved.
[citation][nom]jasonpwns[/nom]No it isn't. With WoW there is only one mode: Online. Dibalo 3 already has a single player mode, the only problem is it has to check with the server to load your saved game file, if you can trick it to write and read the save file from your computer and not from blizzards servers, then eureka problem solved.[/citation]
Except character and item information will be on Blizzard's servers. That means no offline play. To get around Blizzard's servers, private servers will have to be established. No doubt they will be, but that does not take the game offline, merely shifts where online you go to.
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