Blizzard Responds to Diablo 3 "Online" Complaints

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They should simply let you make another character for on line play only, and the off-line one just personal use. Geez man, you buy the game and they say we dont want you to cheat or hack for you off line character. Its my game and i paid for it so if im stuck and I want to cheat to get over some part then its my choice to do what I want with my character. Thats too much control if you ask me.

I wont support or buy this game if it constantly requires connection. Its not even an MMO so why would they need that. Just because they are Blizzard it does not give them the right.
Fine why not just make offline characters offline only. I have played Diablo 2 lots of times when I was stuck somewhere without connection and recently.
Isn't it funny that all the posts with -5 downvotes or more are those people being realistic, while all the posts with +5 upvotes are those people being whingers.

This only serves to remind me why I left this forum. It is full of piracy supports and people who whinge for the sake of it.


Millions of others will enjoy the game and you guys can play single player torchlight for all we care.

inb4 downvotes from QQers.
[citation][nom]azxcvbnm321[/nom]You don't have to do business with a "greedy" corporation, but I think the real greed comes from YOU.Truth is that bad companies who don't provide value for the $$$$ go bankrupt. Programmers and tech people aren't cheap, how many of you expect good support and the servers not to crash? That takes $$$$ and damned right if they're not going to try and recoup some of those costs through marketplaces and so forth. If you think this is so unfair, please please make your own game and release it only to watch pirates steal all your hard work and leave you with nothing but millions in unpaid bills and an unhappy workforce that's about to be laid off.[/citation]

Ever hear of Bethesda? They don't seem to be millions in debt and laying off tons of people.
Isn't it funny that all the posts with -5 downvotes or more are those people being realistic, while all the posts with +5 upvotes are those people being whingers.

This only serves to remind me why I left this forum. It is full of piracy supports and people who whinge for the sake of it.


Millions of others will enjoy the game and you guys can play single player torchlight for all we care.

inb4 downvotes from QQers.

And you back now because........???????

Not the same. Modern hardware is REQUIRED - physically! - to render modern graphics. Internet access is NOT REQUIRED to play single-player. They just forced it. And sorry to burst your bubble, but a MAJORITY of people has PCs not suited for gaming, not other way around.

Being on the internet IS real life? Why, I pity you, sir. Go out and take a breath of fresh air while driving your bike on a countryside highway... THAT is REAL life! 😀

Your life does NOT suck if you've got a PC with no internet. My desktop isn't connected to the net (router/building issues, lol) and I don't need it to be - I do my internet work on my laptop; I only need the desktop for gaming. That way, I don't need any antivirus BS on it, either, since there's no way any virus will ever get to it 😀

And if YOU took my reply to your hippie post seriously, you need help. Maybe watch some South Park or Monty Python...

And it's not only "in the sticks" where you can't get the net access. In some 3rd world countries, some areas of major cities aren't connected to the internet just because the ISPs won't do it yet. And if you think your US is so great and mighty, you can just go hit the wall or something, you ignorant fool.

"Interwining" Internet into our lives is what troubles me. In the areas where we don't need it, that is.

And stop acting like you give a *** about people in 3rd world countries without internet. You're just using it as an excuse.

Live in a 3rd world country, myself. Excuse for what? We have internet... better than in US, too 😀 (at least here an FBI squad won't break into your house for downloading torrents, lol) Just not always so reliable.

A lot of you remind me of how old people are - unable to keep up with the times, and willingly reject progression. You expect everything to stay the way it was; even when out numbered by those whom want change.

I suggest you start wearing your pants on your head instead of your legs. What? NO?! Why not? You're stuck in the old times or something? NOT COMFORTABLE, you say? NO ADVANTAGE over the 'old style' of wearing them on your legs, you say?...

... guess what, same here. This is not progress, this is degradation and change for the sake of change. No benefit to the end-user.

We just so happen to live in the age of high-speed internet being $30 or less per month, and it being available to MOST people.

You fail to see the point. I have such a connection, but I don't see why that should prevent me from playing over LAN or not using that connection at all for single-player. Protection against piracy? Will be cracked within a few weeks at the most, so no, just pure contempt for the end-user and testing our limits - how far we can go feeding the users this crap before they get upset? Apparently, VERY far, thanks to people like you.

The future of gaming is going to be online. We've already begun this with our phones, and likewise, we'll do it with more and more things in our lives.

Cool story bro. What did your phones "begun"? Taking things to online despite being able to do them locally, so they can charge you for it? Yeah, they did this. They can go to hell.

Besides, I want to see you take a single-player kick-ass RPG like Morrowind or Mass Effect online... not even made for it.

Ever hear of Bethesda? They don't seem to be millions in debt and laying off tons of people.

That's right. Morrowind>Diablo.

What get's me is the number of ignorant people here that think their situation should apply to everyone else, " I have the internet so everyone in the world should have it". Go to the library and see how many Americans are waiting, in line sometimes just to get on a pc and connect to the net.
I know because back in 2008 I got laid off and the internet became a convenience I couldn't afford any longer. I'd go to the local library and have to wait 45 minutes to an hour to get on a PC and you only had 45 minutes to use it. I was fortunate enough to be able to go home after a long day of chasing employment and play games(cause regular tv sucks). Games that luckily didn't require me to be connected. Even my Steam account games would allow me to play off-line. So from personal experience I find these developments both discriminatory and bias and anyone who stands behind this type of practice the same.
Wow! So much hate. I have no problem with having to be online. If anyone remembers in diablo2 u could stay offline.....Thats where the crap hackers started to mess with the game. and made it not fun for me as a legit player. U can sit there and say all u want that u wer not a hacker i could care a less weather u were or werent. i can see whyt online only is a plus in someways as far as not being able to corrupt the system to an extenet. but i can also see why some will be upset. But hey GET OVER IT.
Asus Rampage 3 w/ i7 930 @ 4.01ghz
Asus Gtx 580 sli @ 920mhz gpu
6gb of ddr3 corsair dom @ 1832mhz
Plus 27inch samsung p2770....

anyway my computer and Myself await the midnight launch line up at Electronics Boutique.

i make minimum wage in Canada, ive made gaming a priority in my life appearently.
[citation][nom]WhysoBluepandabear[/nom]And if you have a Pentium 2 or Windows 95 you can't play either. That's all on you to situate the require platform. You people still aren't ******* arguing with me on that point. Are you avoiding it? You people overuse the word "Contradict", and all it's forms WAY too much. I didn't contradict ***. Learn some reading comprehension skills, and stop getting stuck on these retarded ass points you try drawing. Supposedly big, capitalized letters slip your attention span (forgot your Adderall?). I never said stop it completely, and I already acknowledged the lame ass point you just typed. Yeah, I already called you on it before you brought it up - so why the hell are you arguing it? I never said ironclad, 100% guarantee of no cheating - merely stop a good deal of it, and at least be able to control it.And if all you're going to do is not process what you read, and bring up the same dumb arguments over and over again, rather just re-phrased, I'm going to just ignore you. It effects people who care about dumb achievements and the AH. Blizzard also wants to provide a social experience - they're trying to create an environment; you know, one based on socializing. They're not trying to cater to you emo wrist cutters who can't even obtain internet, or lie about being some important business travelers - who also ALWAYS have internet. If you're worth anything, you'll have a wireless data connection. Why don't you make a deal with Blizzard? How's this sound?: Single player ONLY - absolutely no online...EVER - no changing your mind later. Would you want that? What about losing everything you worked for offline not counting when you connect online? Would you rather start at square one? You know what, it doesn't even matter what you want. You're the 1% that means nothing. The fact is, Blizzard doesn't want to offer two modes, that will inevitably piss off people when they discover their offline work didn't count whatsoever towards online. Trust me, they rather lose you, than lose many more that come to the nice surprise. And they of course want their money and profits. You paying $50 once, and never giving them more money, one way or another, is not exactly their ideal of how they plan on milking you.[/citation]
I think it is you who has issues with reading comprehension.

If they do not want my business, great, they won't get it. That in no way hurts me at all. I am sure Vivendi's board and shareholders will be scratching their head the way other announcments from Activision Blizzard has been scratching their heads though.

And as far as cheating goes, can you please stop bringing this up with the SINGLE player model? You don't seem to get the fact that other people cheating will affect you with Diablo 3's constant online method than if the single player option was the way it was and should be, offline.

With the online model and the server controlling stuff, and let's be honest, the server will have to control drop rates so they can control the amount of inventory on the auction house, the drop rates for a legitimate player will be horrendous because of the amount of gold farmers and bots trying to go after the best drops so they can be sold for real money. If the single player mode was strictly local, none of that would affect you. Do you get it now? Just because they won't be called cheaters doesn't mean it will affect you less, it will in fact affect players MORE.

Also, you still are not getting the point of the lack of internet. You want to accuse someone of being poor or living in the sticks or any other insult your immature mind can think of. Has nothing to do with that.

A good example would be last April. I live in Alabama where some of the tornadoes hit. The city I live in, Huntsville, is one of the larger hi tech areas of the country if not the world. I have excellent internet. but even after the power came back on, the internet was still down due to the ISPs trying to get things back up. If I had been an owner of Diablo 3 at that time, that game would be useless for me. I don't see how you think cutting back on options that have always been there does not cut into sales.
Wow! So much hate. I have no problem with having to be online. If anyone remembers in diablo2 u could stay offline.....Thats where the crap hackers started to mess with the game. and made it not fun for me as a legit player. U can sit there and say all u want that u wer not a hacker i could care a less weather u were or werent. i can see whyt online only is a plus in someways as far as not being able to corrupt the system to an extenet. but i can also see why some will be upset. But hey GET OVER IT.

I guess as long as you feed the sheep it's all good until it's time for the slaughterhouse. BAAAAAAAA!
[citation][nom]crus_russ[/nom]Isn't it funny that all the posts with -5 downvotes or more are those people being realistic, while all the posts with +5 upvotes are those people being whingers.This only serves to remind me why I left this forum. It is full of piracy supports and people who whinge for the sake of it.GUESS WHAT!? DONT BUY DIABLO 3, SEE IF WE CARE.Millions of others will enjoy the game and you guys can play single player torchlight for all we care.inb4 downvotes from QQers.[/citation]

I just down voted you because I'm vain, and because you used 'inb4'.
[citation][nom]azxcvbnm321[/nom]Blizzard has every right to make money from this game and the pay to pay to play model is genius. It's ridiculous that games are still around $30-$50 new, the same price they were 20 years ago, yet the work and development has increased exponentially. This society has really become a bunch of whiners and entitled babies.Consumer protection? Give me a break you socialists. You know what the ultimate consumer protection is? NOT BUYING THE GAME. Yes you have a choice which is why it is OK for them to charge whatever they want, even $1000000 per second. You have a choice to NOT PAY. You don't have to do business with a "greedy" corporation, but I think the real greed comes from YOU.Truth is that bad companies who don't provide value for the $$$$ go bankrupt. Programmers and tech people aren't cheap, how many of you expect good support and the servers not to crash? That takes $$$$ and damned right if they're not going to try and recoup some of those costs through marketplaces and so forth. If you think this is so unfair, please please make your own game and release it only to watch pirates steal all your hard work and leave you with nothing but millions in unpaid bills and an unhappy workforce that's about to be laid off.[/citation]
Can't help by your flawed logic and your penchant for insults you must be someone else under a new name.

One, no one is saying Blizzard has no right to make money in any way they want. However, please explain how a pay-to-pay-to-play model is genius? You can not name one game where it has worked because it has never been done before. However, a game that for years did nothing but grow (world of Warcraft) has lost nearly 1 million players in just 6 months.

You talk about value for money, but you seem to not understand the concept at all. Blizzard with WoW is not giving the customer value for their money by taking their mothly subscription fee to develop content for inside the game (Real ID grouping) and then charge an additional "premium" fee to use it. Truly successful companies know that if you want the greatest long term profits, you offer value for the money.

And how is refusing to buy a game because we won't pay any price "greedy" on the consumer's part? The consumer choosing HOW to spend their money is an integral part of capitalism, not socialism and consumers giving feedback to business is a neccessary way for them to learn what the customer wants. None of these things are done in a socialist economy.

And congratulations for falling for the line of pirates stealing of Blizzard's hard work. I guess the reports of how the first 2 Diablo's made, and still make, Blizzard a great deal of money is a lie.

I loved the first 2 Diablo games. However, I have little interest in multiplayer. I see no need to compete with gold sellers and bots for drop rates on items so that they can put them on a real money auction house. That just cuts me out of the market of Diablo customers which does not hurt me in the least, it saves me money, but will hurt Blizzard. Just another in a line of poor customer relation decisions like the aforementioned Real ID grouping which has cost them subscribers, but for some reason you think is "genius"
Um... you see Blizzard. If I want to play OFFLINE. That means I don't want to play ON A FUCKING SERVER! If I hack MY game on MY computer with MY own programming. There is already no fucking way I can hack BNET. Fuck you Blizzard. I'm going to do it anyways. I WILL PLAY LAN. I WILL PLAY OFFLINE. And it WILL NOT effect Bnet.
[citation][nom]Kileak[/nom]What makes you think you would be throwing away your privacy by playing an online game? You're throwing it away just as much by coming on here and rambling.[/citation]

Perfect response to one of the lamest posts on this subject. People "thumb up" a sissy on here and "thumb down" a sensible, sane person.

Relax everyone. This is nothing. You're embarassing yourselves in front of people who have jobs, lives, and understand that companies can do whatever they feel like with their own GAME. To not buy the game if it interests you is incredibly limp. It doesn't send a message, and you miss out on what may be a lot of fun. Seriously, what's wrong with you people?

My favourite is the "no company is going to tell Me what I can and can't do with MY game that I purchased" types. Really? LOL? Sure they are. Settle down.

Maybe you babies should form a "Gamer Buyers Union" or something. Really stick it to the man.

Force ME to play an online game will they?!?!
[citation][nom]crus_russ[/nom]Isn't it funny that all the posts with -5 downvotes or more are those people being realistic, while all the posts with +5 upvotes are those people being whingers.This only serves to remind me why I left this forum. It is full of piracy supports and people who whinge for the sake of it.GUESS WHAT!? DONT BUY DIABLO 3, SEE IF WE CARE.Millions of others will enjoy the game and you guys can play single player torchlight for all we care.inb4 downvotes from QQers.[/citation]

Right on. It's scary to think these people actually vote in the real world too. Thank goodness they're outnumbered there.
[citation][nom]antixbaby[/nom]Perfect response to one of the lamest posts on this subject. People "thumb up" a sissy on here and "thumb down" a sensible, sane person. Relax everyone. This is nothing. You're embarassing yourselves in front of people who have jobs, lives, and understand that companies can do whatever they feel like with their own GAME. To not buy the game if it interests you is incredibly limp. It doesn't send a message, and you miss out on what may be a lot of fun. Seriously, what's wrong with you people?My favourite is the "no company is going to tell Me what I can and can't do with MY game that I purchased" types. Really? LOL? Sure they are. Settle down.Maybe you babies should form a "Gamer Buyers Union" or something. Really stick it to the man. Force ME to play an online game will they?!?![/citation]
Why do you, like a few others, absolutely refuse to see the point.

The game as presented does NOT interest us. That is the problem. They have cut out a good size portion of their loyal fan base because of poor business decisions that not only will not help profits, but will hurt it.

I love playing Diablo, but my favorite part is the single player component. With single player requiring an online connection alwaysbeing on, that right there affects how much I can play the game because I don't always like to play a game where I have access to the internet. Lack of ability to play the game means less reason to buy it. Not to mention I should not have to compete with gold sellers and bots for drop rates for single player mode.

And you are right, they can tell customers what they can do with their game. What they can not do however is force us to buy the game.

Blizzard has already been making some bad decisions as of late that is causing noticeable loss, in a short amount of time with WoW. Seems like they are following suit with D3.
Right on. It's scary to think these people actually vote in the real world too. Thank goodness they're outnumbered there.

You actually think voting is important? Lol.

My favourite is the "no company is going to tell Me what I can and can't do with MY game that I purchased" types. Really? LOL? Sure they are. Settle down.

No they aren't. I'll get a crack and they won't tell me $h!t, if I decide so 😉
I can't see why they can't just put a check in there that makes a character only accessible online, and then another for offline if it's really that important to you. If you have a character you want to play multiplayer with time to time, then make it inaccessible without an internet connection as well as make sure it remains unchanged between sessions so no cheating was done. Or have those characters on servers while single player only character are on the users computer. So many positive solutions so everybody can be happy.
I won't purchase Diablo III if they keep the online requirement and masquerade their agenda with BS.
This way they can control the drops, and the subsequent money they will make off of auction house trades. More people online equals more items being sold for Blizz profits.

and THAT is your subscription fee
and what happens if your connection fails? what if you don't have internet at home? what if you want to have it on a laptop? what if you want to play at a LAN? what if you want to cheat through a section or just to play with a build? what if ....

so many, couldn't they build a character check system when importing to online to see if it has been modified from the last time it was used, so for example you launch the game, choose a MP character to bring to SP then when you save it back it checks some things, game time played agains exp earn ect to see if it has been modified...
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