whysobluepandabear :
Should we also cater to people who only have Pentium 2, Compaq computers?
What about those who still have Windows 98?
Yeah, you'd say *** NO to those people.
Just like Blizzard is saying *** NO to you people without internet.
A small minority of people have bad computers, JUST like a small minority of people have no internet access. We can't cater to everyone. Sucks to be you.
You can play WHERE and WHEN you want - you just need internet. That's YOUR problem if you can't obtain it. Just like it's YOUR problem if your GPU isn't powerful enough to run the game.
Not the same. Modern hardware is REQUIRED - physically! - to render modern graphics. Internet access is NOT REQUIRED to play single-player. They just forced it. And sorry to burst your bubble, but a MAJORITY of people has PCs not suited for gaming, not other way around.
whysobluepandabear :
If you have a computer with no internet, you fail. It's like driving a Corvette and only running 2 cylinders instead of all 8.
You also assume you have to choose between internet, and having a life. Why stop at the internet though? Hell, if we didn't have houses and all lived in a giant hut we'd find more productive, social things to do. Same can be said for cellphone and EVERY other piece of technology we enjoy.
Being on the internet IS real life. It's intertwined into our entire society at this point.
So yeah, I fail to see how it's contradictory at all - your life indeed DOES suck if you have a computer without internet; besides the entire: living so far in the sticks you couldn't get it if you wanted to, fact.
You honestly take too many points too seriously. The entire "hippie" part wasn't intended to be put under a magnifying glass to check for the validity. It was a figure of speech to describe the weird people who try gaming in parks and etc. Even at that, you can still have wireless internet - so of course the statement wasn't being literal.
Being on the internet IS real life? Why, I pity you, sir. Go out and take a breath of fresh air while driving your bike on a countryside highway... THAT is REAL life!
Your life does NOT suck if you've got a PC with no internet. My desktop isn't connected to the net (router/building issues, lol) and I don't need it to be - I do my internet work on my laptop; I only need the desktop for gaming. That way, I don't need any antivirus BS on it, either, since there's no way any virus will ever get to it
And if YOU took my reply to your hippie post seriously, you need help. Maybe watch some South Park or Monty Python...
And it's not only "in the sticks" where you can't get the net access. In some 3rd world countries, some areas of major cities aren't connected to the internet just because the ISPs won't do it yet. And if you think your US is so great and mighty, you can just go hit the wall or something, you ignorant fool.
"Interwining" Internet into our lives is what troubles me. In the areas where we don't need it, that is.
And stop acting like you give a *** about people in 3rd world countries without internet. You're just using it as an excuse.
Live in a 3rd world country, myself. Excuse for what? We have internet... better than in US, too
😀 (at least here an FBI squad won't break into your house for downloading torrents, lol) Just not always so reliable.
A lot of you remind me of how old people are - unable to keep up with the times, and willingly reject progression. You expect everything to stay the way it was; even when out numbered by those whom want change.
I suggest you start wearing your pants on your head instead of your legs. What? NO?! Why not? You're stuck in the old times or something? NOT COMFORTABLE, you say? NO ADVANTAGE over the 'old style' of wearing them on your legs, you say?...
... guess what, same here. This is not progress, this is degradation and change for the sake of change. No benefit to the end-user.
We just so happen to live in the age of high-speed internet being $30 or less per month, and it being available to MOST people.
You fail to see the point. I have such a connection, but I don't see why that should prevent me from playing over LAN or not using that connection at all for single-player. Protection against piracy? Will be cracked within a few weeks at the most, so no, just pure contempt for the end-user and testing our limits - how far we can go feeding the users this crap before they get upset? Apparently, VERY far, thanks to people like you.
The future of gaming is going to be online. We've already begun this with our phones, and likewise, we'll do it with more and more things in our lives.
Cool story bro. What did your phones "begun"? Taking things to online despite being able to do them locally, so they can charge you for it? Yeah, they did this. They can go to hell.
Besides, I want to see you take a single-player kick-ass RPG like Morrowind or Mass Effect online... not even made for it.
Ever hear of Bethesda? They don't seem to be millions in debt and laying off tons of people.
That's right. Morrowind>Diablo.