^ Umm... LulzSec and Anonymous don't crack games. Other groups concentrate on that. Mentioning LulzSec and Anon in this discussion is irrelevant...
That may be true where D3 is the only consideration. The problem is a LOT of games and other software are doing the same thing, requiring a constant, always on, internet connection. This in the day and age of providers putting in bandwidth caps. So while D3 alone won't get someone to cap, you combine it with other programs that needlessly need an internet connection to run and you see that takes a huge chunk of it, and for little reason.
And please explain your hatred for having an offline single player option. Did it somehow affect your ability to play Diablo or Diablo 2? If so please explain, because it seems that if it did include it, as the previous 2 did, you have the choice of not using it so it would not affect you in the least little bit but instead will make the umbrella larger for others to get under.
Lol, thank you... another person who sees my POV about the subject.
And besides you all whiners seem to get online just fine to write your crymore messages you can get online to play D3 too if you really want...
Sure we do, but do you know how, when or for how long? And just because I'm connected to the net doesn't mean I want to connect to some dumbass online server to play my single-player. Hell, I should be able to play the game on the Moon, like somebody above said, if I want to!
So, it looks to me like the people who do not oppose this online BS:
1) like being connected to the Internet for no reason
2) will swallow whatever the game companies will give them without voicing the opinion of what they like or don't
3) like accusing others of piracy and "being cheap" instead of realising that not everyone is after online play instead of LAN
4) are in general ignorant fools who don't seem to know anything about what's going outside of their town... yes, we HAVE the internets in other countries, and we have gaming, just the two don't go well together; and by dismissing that, the game developers lose a lot of money...
5) refuse to understand that the "minority" who opposes the online BS isn't really a minority (just the rest of us will pirate or skip the game without even discussing anything, lol) and even if we would be, we'll still be smarter than you, because we actually try to understand the pros and cons of the new system...
6) probably have never had a good single-player game experience since they're so eager to get online...
7) are made up of WoW players by more than 70%, who obviously cannot even imagine any game without online (most likely, they are sure that WoW only works online, lol!)
You can't have internet without a computer.
Tablet, PDA, smartphone, netbook, weak non-gaming PC, Internet cafe... do I need to continue? (Wow, that's actually scary, lol.. the internet has infiltrated too many devices xD)
They were not polishing the game content, they were figuring out how to milk the most money from the game. In house auctioning, with REAL money?? WTF kinda game is this...
I know, huh? Pathetic, shelling out real money for virtual possessions. Kinda applies to buying the game itself, too... but that's alright, as long as it's the game or the good DLCs... but to actually buy in-game items for real money? Shows where this world is going - while some people struggle to find a job, others have enough money to waste them on virtual equipment
😀 Keep on, folks, this is entertaining, I wanna see just how ignorant and stupid this can get before the next degeneration step, when investing real money will be the only source of in-game money...