Question Conflicted on my upgrade path with CPU in mind

Mar 2, 2025
Hello everyone,

I have some questions regarding on what path to take on for my current build. Currently, I'm very confused whether or not to continue with Intel or switch over to AMD. I'm sorry if this question seems repeated.

My current build is:
  • Intel Core i7-10700K 3.8 GHz 8-Core Processor
  • Asus PRIME Z490-A ATX LGA1200
  • 64 GB DDR4-RAM
  • RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • HX850 850 W 80+ ATX Power Supply
My main concern is was planning to upgrade my CPU and I've been mostly used to with Intel CPUs but with the recent instability issues appearing with some 13th and 14th gen CPUs, I was unsure whether or not to invest into something that I will regret later. I plan to upgrade my GPU later but mostly focused on my choice for CPU and motherboard.

My main choice for an upgrade was the 13600KF, but with the interest of maybe switching over to AMD, I was recommended a Ryzen 5 5800X. With this in mind, however, my current motherboard only supports till the 11th gen. So, it then came to light to replace my motherboard. I don't have plans on overclocking my GPU, so a motherboard in the H670 or H770 series might be suitable. I plan to keep my DDR4 RAM for now, but if push comes to shove in possible future proofing myself with getting DDR5, then maybe I follow with that. I'm open to further myself from Intel but since I'm new to AMD's chipset and GPUs, I'm just running in circles on what could I upgrade for my CPU and thus motherboard in Intel or possibly with a AMD based motherboards.

Sorry if this seems a bit chaotic and a bit more of a general build advice, but I've been looking for another point of view and thoughts on what to do, especially with those with experience with AMD. Budget is no concern, but I'd like to get more bang for my buck than paying more than I should with recent releases and if possible save with what I have with ram and GPU. Thank you very much.
You could go with a 12th Gen platform which is technically clear of any blame/fault/issue. The 13th and 14th Gen's were the one's that are affected. If you didn't plan to overclock then you should look into a B series chipset and pair that with a non-K, non-F SKU processor. DDR4's sweet spot was at DDR4-3200MHz or DDR4-3600MHz. If you're going to go with a DDR5 platform, regardless of AMD or Intel, it's DDR5-6000MHz with tight latencies.

The real question is, why are you upgrading?
Budget is no concern, but I'd like to get more bang for my buck than paying more than I should with recent releases and if possible save with what I have with ram and GPU.

You might want to stipulate a budget for the sake of relevance and to help us understand if your migration path is economically worthwhile.